
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Wish List

This chick tagged me
Danya from Danya Banya has tagged me for the Essentially Jess christmas wish list. I tell you my five wishes for things I want for christmas, then choose five other bloggers to do the same.  
this chick started it!

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I want one of these smart phones, as opposed to my dumb phone. I want to join the instagram brigade that is taking over the world, one photo at a time. I want to post real time photos right now.

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Wantety want want.
I'd just be happy with a black sesame kettle and toaster. Would sure beat my miss match garage sale jobbeys.

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A gift card, of at least $100. So I can eat, drink and be merry. Food, booze and a shopping spree, what else does one need......

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A new bathroom vanity.
I like the look of the wall mounted ones, but with the price tag, I may have settle for new but cheap. I don't mind, I'm only interested in the new bit.

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Don't know what the heck this is?
This is $220 worth of sit on my arse and not have to get out of the car to open and close the gate on the way out the driveway. Bargain!!!

A final wish, that's allowed, because it is not for me, it is for someone else. While I go on about what I want, there are others in the community, the country, the world, whos only wants are needs. Things we take for granted. I hope they get what they need this christmas, be that a meal, a hug, a smile from a stranger or a warm place to sleep.

Lastly the five bloggers I am tagging are:

Totally ignore me if you have already been tagged :)


  1. OOH thank you!! Is an electric gate opener really only $220?? Thats cheap as chips!! I share your smart phone and appliance wish!!

  2. Oh yay, I've been reading these Christmas wish lists going around. It's got me dreaming :-)
    Stay tuned. I'm sure Kaz will have a beauty of a list too :-)

  3. I'll have to make sure my husband reads the list I put together! Thanks, Alicia!

    1. Done!

  4. Ooh, how exciting!! Hope you get a few items from your wishlist. I could go one of those auto gate openers too :)

  5. Oh gosh I want to get rid.of my smart phone and get a stupid phone again, I am sick of being connected 24/7, I'm always fiddling with the silly thing!

  6. I hope you'll get a few of these items! You have to get a smart phone and join Instagram!


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