
Monday, October 15, 2012

Harry Who? - Open Slather

No, this is not a post about up to the minute fashion and edgy style(sorry to disappoint). That's just not me.

It's a post about a rose, named in 1972 (which is kinda cool, coz that's the year I was born), after Harry Wheatcroft. Harry who?!!

Harry Wheatcroft(1898-1977) was a flamboyant, famous english rose grower. I love this rose, it's one of the first roses that flowers every year in my garden, I kind of have a soft spot for it. That's just me.

'Harry Wheatcroft'



  1. Its absolutely stunning. The colors are amazing.

  2. Stunning colours - need smell a vision

  3. Wow!! I love roses!! I agree with Jacana the smell must be amazing!! Thanks for the link up!!

  4. Wow such beautiful flowers! I have flowers in my garden too but i dont know what they are lol. I probanly should find out x

  5. Thanks for hosting each week! LOVE the roses...they are one of my favorite flowers :). I've added your party at my new link up list over at Hoping you have a wonderful week!

    ~ Jodie


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