
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Angel Face

Izzys' playgroup kindy had a trash n treasure day on Sunday. We headed straight for the face painting as soon as we arrived to avoid the line up. Her only request when asked what she wanted, was purple and princess. Turns out, I should have had a look around first, I missed out on a $5 box full of Toy Story stuff, including a Buzz and Woody. I felt like I had failed my Toy Story lovin' little girl. I had the box in my sights, and moments before I bent down to pick it up, a lovely woman swooped it up in her arms. Feck! Later I felt annoyed with Brett, who should have grabbed it when he was looking around, while I waited at the face painting, bloody idiot. Too busy talking shit with other dads, not a metre from the bargain box. Why does he have to be so useless?!!! 

To photos of a different angel face. The roses are starting to flower, there is beauty emerging everywhere in the garden. I love it! You're gonna see lots of flower photos from me for a while!

Angel Face

This one was taken today a couple days after the first three, the  rose has opened up a  bit


  1. oh bless!! :( Toy story stuff is always great at a bargain!! (bought woody from Kmart the other day because it was $10 off the normal price)..

    1. Really! I'm going to get her a Buzz or Woody for her birthday next month. I should check out the specials.

  2. Oh how gorgeous! You must be a real flower person! My mom is too x

  3. Beautiful roses!! Had a lovely friend drop in some homegrown roses the other day. They smell lovely, but remind me of all my shortcomings as a gardener!

  4. Men are completely useless!! Izzy is just too cute and those angel faces are divine!!
    Any advice for growing roses?

    1. oh gosh ann, I just put them in the ground and hope for the best!! Seasol is good for any plants, and I think pruning them right helps.

  5. Oh why do they do that? Silly boys not thinking!

    1. I know. He should have been more clued in to what Izzy likes, and know a bargain when he sees it!

  6. Congratulations on your 100th post. Love the face painting.


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