
Monday, July 8, 2019

ICAD 2019 - Week 4

22. bicycle
I actually painted Summers bike tyre with some watercolour and ran over the card several times!

23. Poem
I am currently doing a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy course, because life is about learning. It is really helping me be more mindful of my thoughts, better ways of coping with my overactive negative mind (I really am a positive person!), and maybe I may help someone else one day. That's where the poem comes from.

24. Music Box
Pencil drawing is, I am finding, my quick go to when I don't know what else to do. I really enjoy it. My daughter Isabel is discovering a love for it too. 

25. rose
This was a mix of a couple of different ideas. I had a photo of the Just Joey rose on my necklace and earring corkboard. I dissected it for this creation.

26. Tinker toys
I did need to google this prompt. "What the hell are tinker toys?".

27. Corduroy
I found some corduroy fabric in the stash to make this card a corduroy garden.

28. Architecture


  1. The ballerina and the rose are my favourites. YOu've quite a collection!

  2. I love what you've done with the corduroy - and the sketching. Plus it looks like you're having fun doing it. Have a great week.

  3. I'm intrigued by the CBT course. I did some as part of my undergrad psych studies but hadn't really thought about doing any in terms of working on myself since. Though must admit I wasn't as big a fan of CBT as I was of some other types of therapy. (Which obvs haven't worked, so there's that...)

    1. I am finding it helpful and interesting. I saw it recommended by one of my dear friends and thought why not. It's through Udemy and cost me about $13 lol.

  4. I love seeing your cards pop up in my IG feed. It is so good as a creative process. Note that "I" have done back to prompts for the final 31 days and enjoying them again. I am impressed with your CBT! I try to remember all I have been taught thanks for my visits to the psychologist and an app I have along with all my reading. Sometimes I admit, I just have to 'stamp my foot' though! Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week's optional prompt is Self-Care Sharing Your Story. I hope you will consider linking up again. Denyse.


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