
Friday, June 7, 2019

Three ways to beat the winter blues

Mushrooms thrive in the Autumn, the wet of winter with a hint of sun.

The leaves turn the colour of ochre, holding on by a thread. The southerly winds set in.

The promise of early bulbs arise from the humus earth. Jonquils, daffodils and snow drops.

While there's lots to appreciate about Autumn, it's a slow realisation of what is to come.

Winter is not my favourite season. While somethings thrive, I don't. We all have our seasons, and winter is not mine.

I am mindful now as winter brings a cloud over my thoughts. The need to get outdoors, to connect with nature instead of retreating. To connect with friends instead of hibernating within myself.

There are things I can do to make it easier, until the sunshine returns.

1. Get out for walks in nature - Breathe in the fresh crisp air and recharge Vitamin D. There is always something to appreciate in nature.

2. Meet a friend for lunch and stroll through the shops or volunteer your time in the community - Human interaction is so important, even when being social is the last thing on my mind.

3. Bring nature inside your home - whether it's a bunch of flowers, those last straggling roses, a few sprigs of lavender, some autumn leaves or feathers found it can freshen up a dreary day.

Basically exercise, socialise and appreciate the little things.

Do you have a season where you flourish?
How do  you get through the seasons where you struggle?

"Don't confuse your path with your destination. Just because it's stormy now, doesn't mean you aren't headed for sunshine." - unknown

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  1. Morning! I think I like the more temperate seasons best. Not extremes of summer heat nor of winter cold. I like that you are "ready" for winter this way. ICAD is no doubt something else to add some brightness to your day. We have a long weekend in NSW and suspect you do too. Enjpy! Denyse x

  2. Jonquils are my favourite flowers. I buy them weekly once they hit the $6 mark. I rarely buy flowers any other time of year. So I am intrigued that you say 'bring nature indoors' as I'm wondering if this is my subconscious mood lifter in the winter blues?

  3. Very lovely quote. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. These are definitely great things to do in Winter to keep the Winter blues from completely taking over. Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons. Summer is much too hot for me and Winter is much too snowy and long for me where I live. I used to like Winter much more until I moved to this place where it snows for 10 months of the year. And in the midst of the Winter months, it is just too cold to spend any time outdoors breathing in fresh air. I must find things to keep me motivated as well. Great post. And I hope you are able to maintain your good spirit until the Winter passes.


  5. I love getting out in nature too. Need to do it more often!

    Di from Max The Unicorn


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