
Monday, March 4, 2019

F words for February

Another month down on the 2019 calendar. Is the world spinning too fast for anyone else?

February was a bit shit. I am still there actually, when did March begin?

It started out quite well. School had gone back and the first weekend of February brought the annual Rendelsham village market,  which is always a pleasure. 

But that's when it kind of fell apart.

The sudden death of a friend. Well an old acquaintance that I should have made more of an effort with, still a shock, the same. I had been thinking for the longest time to catch up, but never did, just a wave here and there. It has cemented in me that I need to act on instinct, not to put off anything, because there is no time like the present.

My son Jake also took a slide backwards with his mental health this month, he's still in hospital, but he'll be ok. 

There's been a lot of my energy being zapped by so many lately and I haven't really been recharging myself. I did start to walk again, I did so for two weeks straight, and now in dribs and drabs, but I realise it's an important part of being well. 

I am also aware that when I am stressed and low on energy, I tend to try to ignore the world and retreat into myself. I know this isn't a good thing, and I guess that's why I have become so quiet. I need to force myself to share, to talk, to socialise, even when I feel like hiding in my shell.

I become not so good at caring for others. Everything seems too hard to deal with, but I do it and suffer later. Knowing this is happening and being aware of it, is an important start to solving the problem. 

I started the year out doing the Fat Mum Slim photo a day challenge, I even gave up that. I'd had a couple of people say how they'd enjoyed seeing my photos, so I should have found that encouraging, and I did, but it seemed like it became a little bit too hard. But I have started March afresh.

This brings me to a little announcement.

Lately I have purely sucked at being a link up host. Sucked I tell you. I am not ready to give it up though.

I like blogging, and I like all of you. So I have decided to change the day I do things and see how it goes. There is no Open Slather today and from now on there won't be another on a Monday. From now on, and I am referencing the Easybeats here, so bob your head from side to side, just like Stevie Wright, and sing along..."Monday, I'll have Friday on my mind".

Open Slather will now come to you on a Friday and will stay open for linking over the weekend. So please return on Friday and join me. I promise I will be here and sharing....something, no matter how small and non share worthy I may think it is. I will be here.

I am sharing over at Denyse Whelen's blog, who has a fab Monday link up where you can go to join in the linking fun on a Monday.


  1. Friday it is! See you then.
    These are really huge things. I think it's okay to take your time. It's very overwhelming. It is monumentally important to step in when you can, but equally important of being mindful to refuel yourself. None of us can live a perfect life, but if we help others in our struggle, we are doing something right. Take good care of yourself. xx

  2. I'm joining in from #lifethisweek and feel from your words that you must take care of yourself first! I know the feeling of low energy, minimal motivation, retreating into yourself and as you say, you also know it, and that is the first step. We all have good months and not so goo but it was heartening to read that you're changing days for your linkup, not canning it all together! I'll try to remember to join in for sure. Take it easy and yes the world is spinning faster these days, you're not alone there!

  3. Take care Alicia. I have missed your updates. Lots happening so look after yourself. See you Friday! Xxx

  4. Sending much love and positive energy to your son and also to all of you as you deal with his mental health and also as you grieve the loss of your friend.
    SSG xxx

  5. Alicia, I am so sorry to hear that February was a bit if shit for you. I think it is okay, however, to sometimes retreat within yourself if that is what you need to recover. However, just don’t retreat for too long...because we all know that we can be our worst enemies and without the outside influence of the positives, we can ultimately destroy ourselves. Sending you lots of positive energy and prayers, to you and your son. Keep letting your light shine and it reflects right back in!


  6. Oh love, you have had a LOT to deal with and it is not even 3 months into the year. I sure hope things improve for your son and health is always a worry. Glad that you are caring for yourself a bit better too. I am liking your Friday change. Yay. Shall be there...always!!

    Thanks for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week's optional prompt is 10/51 Share Your Snaps #2. 11/3/19. Denyse


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