
Monday, February 4, 2019

January photo share

 I caught the reading bug this year, I hadn't read a thing for years, and I've already read eight books this year! It started with this one. So unlike me. I am enjoying the down time.
 I planted two zucchini plants last year, and now I have them coming out of my ears. 
 My favourite breakfast. I have cut down to having two eggs on one piece of sourdough. 
Dinner at the pub with my girls.
A brand new niece for me and cousin for the girls. 

 A few days at the holiday house and the obligatory holiday Monopoly fight.

 The Porch Sessions, held just out of town. Three fabulous music artists, wine, nibbles and a picnic blanket. Highly recommend.
 Quirky at the public library


  1. Those Porch Sessions look unreal!! And reading is a habit - once you start, you get on a role. Once you stop, you also get on a roll....

  2. I have enjoyed my time here.It's looking so real.very nice.Thanks

  3. I had to laugh at the obligatory Monopoly fight! These things are a daily occurrence in my house. And it usually ends with the 5 year old throwing something at his 7 year old brother. Grrr...parenting...the struggle is real!


    1. It's nice to know it happens not only in our house. Pass the wine!

  4. Andrew's book looks so interesting! Well done on reading all those books so far this year, that's quite an achievement!

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful week. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  6. Awesome photographs . Liked and admired your published . Thank you .

  7. Good and more effective resources that you have described here details, thanks

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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