
Monday, December 17, 2018

Clothesline antics of a serial day pyjama wearer

This one loves to live in her pyjamas. She only got changed into clothes half an hour before we left for our annual carols in the shearing shed. It's actually the first time we've been. 

She cut her fringe a few weeks ago. According to her she didn't. Apparently it was my fault, I'd cut it while trying to tidy up the hack job she did.

Summer won the values award for her class at the end of the year. It was a lovely surprise, it makes the occasional meltdowns she has after her school day somehow easier to stomach.

She loves to play outside, you can see the grass worn under the swing set where she plays on the bar. I don't mind her playing on the clothesline, as long as she swings on the inside bars and not the outside!

I took the camera out to her as I am trying to use manual mode more, all these settings are hard to get working all together.


  1. I do love the way kids use PJ's as clothes....happy xmas to you! Thanks for hosting all year.

  2. That is such a fun post...and I get that it is hard keeping "some" kids off the clothes line. What an expressive face. Hope the week towards the silly season goes well and you get plenty of me time! I am having one more #lifethisweek next Mon and then not returning till 7 January. Thanks for your link up too. Merry Christmas. Denyse x

  3. She's so cute. You're making me glad I don't have a Hills Hoist now as I would have teenagers taller than me swinging on it! They're so darn annoying! x

  4. She must keep you on your toes. I hope you enjoyed the carols. A lot of the ones on here were cancelled due to rain and the ones that were on ... well I was at work.


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