
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Bailey's Rocks

I've come down with a dreaded flu overnight, or a severe case of hay fever. There seems to be more people saying they are suffering from hay fever lately, me included. I think it's just my body telling me to slow down, I've been scraping the bottom of the bucket for a while.

I will soldier on though, because I promised you photos of the amazing Bailey's Rocks today. You'll find this amazing natural formation of granite boulders, 11 kilometres from Dergholm, in Western Victoria. 

These rocks are 500 million years old! How amazing is that?! Named after John Bailey who farmed close by, and whose family used to play and picnic amongst the rocks. Rocky Creek trickles through these formations, I can imagine forging a slow but persistent path over the years.

There are free camping grounds right at the carpark, with the chance to see some of the many nocturnal animals that live around the surrounding scrub including sugar gliders. 

The kids loved exploring the rocks and the creek. A true nature playground!


  1. It looks a lot like Girraween near Stanthorpe in Qld - we took the kids camping there many years ago :-) . I had massive problems with hay fever for years and eventually got a referral to an allergy specialist, it took a long time to get an appointment because there are only 2 serving the whole Brisbane area! He ended up formulating a vaccine for me and I had weekly injections at my local doctor for about a year, dropping to once a month in the second year. SOOOO WORTH IT!!!!!

    1. I have heard about these injections. I've never really suffered badly from hay fever, but the last couple of years it's been dreadful!

  2. Wow what a place. Hope you’re feeling better. X

  3. Incredible!!! I would absolutely love to visit there, and I know Dave and the girls would too! One to add to my ever-growing list of must-visit places!


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