
Monday, September 17, 2018

Age is just a number, plus a few new wrinkles

I turned 46 on the weekend. I don't feel 46. Well, now that I think about it,  there may be some when I look in the mirror. A few extra lines, that grey streak in my hair (which I recently fixed with a trip to the hairdresser), not to mention the saggy skin starting to form around my jaw and neck region! What does one do about that?!

I actually had a really good day, some shopping by myself in the morning, a bit of gardening, a visit from a friend who arrived with a bag of lemons (yes!) and then out to dinner with Boggy and the kids. Getting a decent photo of the kids altogether proved a little hard. I don't what is so hard about "smile, look at the camera".

The clincher for my birthday was when I walked into the servo to pay for fuel. A nice (charming local) bloke I've known for years turned around to leave and he said to me "You look younger every time I see you!", which was about the best thing you could say to a 46 year old on her birthday. I put my hand on his arm and said, " Do you know what Bert? It's my birthday today and that's a wonderful thing to for you to say". I got a kiss on the cheek as well.

When I was at the supermarket earlier in the day, it took me twice as long with the conversations it created when I saw people, who without good old Facebook wouldn't have known it was my birthday. I bumped into a mate who I share a birthday with and it was hugs all around. He actually saw my car out the front and came in looking for me. How wonderful!

Looking back on my week, there has been some good things, I am always reminding myself to be grateful (most of the time I fail miserably).

Spur of the moment the girls and I hit Target for cheap white t-shirts to paint for footy colours day. Thank goodness they were happy with them. I was happy with them! It felt good to be creative in this way. I hadn't printed a t shirt since high school in art class ( a midnight oil t-shirt). I made a stencil from clear contact and went to work with fabric paint. I'll be doing some more tshirt printing for one of my tiny tots classes to wear for the gymnastics annual concert.

There's a tree flowering at the entrance gate at work and it smells divine! It's a great time of year, and that smell reminds me of sunny warm days.

The term is nearly over, two weeks left. I am so proud of myself getting through my first term coaching school groups, it's been a learning curve and I guess some experience up my sleeve.

Super happy too today, as when I get home from work (I have Kindergym and Tiny Tots), my September Bella Box should be waiting for me at the back door. Woop woop! 

Crows and Port shirts. Not to shabby.

Beautiful free lemons! 

Birthday lunch, roasted veg with lentils, spinach and feta. Yum, yum!


  1. Happy Birthday Alicia! You must be a fellow Virgo? I had a Birthday recently too and turned 48! Lots of strangers think I am in my ‘30’s which is nice. Enjoy your month. X

    1. Well I agree with lots of strangers! You could easily get away with wiping ten years off your age!

  2. Happy birthday, Alicia! Glad you had a good week leading to your birthday and a lovely birthday. Enjoy September!

    1. It has to be my favourite month by far, with all the gardening springing to life as well. Thanks for the birthday wishes x

  3. I'm glad you had such a wonderful Birthday! Mine is coming up this Thursday. I love the crafty things you do with your kids, the white shirt painting sounds like fun!

  4. What a great birthday! I think getting family shots is almost impossible. You have done well with getting the real deal from those kids!! Lovely t-shirts: I thought they were clever and I am glad to are "springing" into the next few weeks and then holidays!! Denyse x

  5. Happy birthday, Alicia! It sounds you did have a wonderful rewarding and blessed day! As for those wrinkles, I say just embrace them. We are supposed to age and it is a beautiful process! The tee shirts look fabulous and what’s not love about a bag of lemons delivered to your door?!


  6. Happiest of birthdays!! I feel like getting older is so much better. There isn't as much angst as when I was a young pup!!

  7. Happy birthday! So glad you had a good day with so many lovely things to be grateful for. I turned 50 recently and I admit I was dreading it. But it turned out to be one of my most memorable birthdays. While I wouldn't mind my younger body, face, hair and stamina, overall I am much more comfortable with who I am. If I had to choose, I'd much rather stay with the current version of myself. Cheers to getting older and wiser!

  8. Happy Birthday. Glad you had such a lovely day. I could truly feel the happiness in your post.


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