
Monday, July 2, 2018

How will we get there? - Kindergym transport theme

I can't believe we are half way through the year, AND in week 10, the last week of Term 2 here in South Australia. 

I've survived being the sole Kindergym coach at our gymnastics club for two whole terms, and I am enjoying it so much!

When I first started planning Kindergym sessions, I had the help of my predecessor, who was great in sharing her resources and ideas. I also tried to look online for ideas, searching Kindergym themes, but there's not much out there specifically aimed at Kindergym.

With that in mind, I thought blogging some Kindergym theme ideas would be a fabulous thing to do, incase other Kindergym coaches were looking for inspiration.

Our theme for this term has been "How will we get there?". So a transport theme. Cars, trucks, trains, planes, boats and buses. Stop, go and wait. Fast and slow.

We've been cooling down at the end of sessions with Wheels on the bus, and Row, row your boat, along with our favourites Der Glumph and Open, shut them. 

Cellophane crunchy, crackly fire

Firemans ladder. I have also used an octonut in halves either end of the parallel bars to make a pirate ship.


  1. This looks like so much fun for the kids! I used to work with supported playgroups and loved setting up activities and watching children use them.

  2. I never knew gymming could be so much fun. I bet the kids absolutely loved it.

  3. Oh my goodness, what a great way to cover the transportation theme! I bet the kids love it!


  4. Very creative and fun for the children. You must be their favorite teacher.


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