
Monday, June 11, 2018

Glenelg weekend away

Sorry for letting the crickets loose on the blog again. Life gets busy.

The weekend before last I shot off to Adelaide after work on Friday. I ummed and aahed about going a day earlier than I needed to, but I needed and deserved a weekend away by myself god damn it!

I arrived in Adelaide in peak hour traffic and made my way to Glenelg with a shitload of help from mum's GPS. I would have been LOST without it, I have no clue where I'm going in Adelaide!

The motel I stayed in was on Broadway, a fab spot with a couple of pubs down the road, a good array of shops, cafes and bars and a couple of supermarkets a quick walk away. It suited me down to the ground. I parked my car in front of my room and that's where it stayed until I left on Sunday morning. 

I walked to Glenelg's shopping strip, Jetty Road on Saturday morning. I had a relaxing walk around the shops, by the beach and walked back to Broadway along the beach front. When I got back to my motel, I even had a nap!

My god, these breaks away from my family, from my everyday pressures, sure make me realise how important these breaks away are!

I returned to the beach front on Saturday evening, hoping to experience a sunset, and I wasn't dissapointed at all. It was fabulous to do a heap of people watching, and have all the time in the world do my own thing and take lots of photos.

I spent all day Sunday, from 8:30am to half past 4 in the afternoon, at the Gymnastics SA training facility, getting my Gymnastic for All accreditation, and then drove the four and a half hours home! Hence, no post last week.


  1. Just beautiful - hope your weather was better than ours!

    1. It was actually a gorgeous weekend. Lucky me :)

  2. And now you are writing about how good it was to get away...I hope you will plan for one each few months as you can. The pics are fab too. Denyse x

  3. I have seriously considered moving to Glenelg before. Not sure it's in my price range though!

    1. No I don't have any spare limbs to sell off either. Some nice homes there though. One of the things I liked about walking around Glenelg is checking out the houses. Good for a visit, but I like our country housing prices.

  4. Looks like a beautiful spot. Glad you enjoyed it. Would love to visit SA one of these days.

    1. Make sure you go here, there's a tram that goes back and forth to the city.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful trip. Beautiful sunsets!

  6. Beautiful pictures. I've heard Adelaide is a lovely city.

    1. I may be biased being a South Australian, but I think so too.

  7. Ah it brought back memories of Glenelg. I was there in March and fell in love with it! Beautiful pics Alicia!

    1. I never really had a soft spot for it, but once I actually stayed here and explored beyond the shops, I have grown to appreciate it.

  8. I've never been to Glenelg - if fact have only been in Adelaide for work. Such fabulous sunsets & the light in some of those pics! Have a great week.

  9. Gorgeous photos! I've never been to Adelaide (in fact, I've never been to most places) but I hope to finally start exploring this beautiful country and posts like these make it so easy to add to my list of places to go, thanks for sharing.

  10. It's stunning!! That sunset you've captured, WOW. I've visited Glenelg once and only briefly, but it's such a gorgeous place.

  11. Housing prices are crazy in so many places now. What a shame but I guess someone is doing well!

    Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week's optional prompt is Share Your Snaps 5. A 'show off your photos' post! Denyse


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