
Monday, May 21, 2018

Don't forget the camera!

A farm, a paddock for kite flying, a girl, dried up weeds and that golden end of a day. 

I've been wanting to share these photos, but I was reluctant because they weren't great. They were taken with my phone. It was one of those kick myself times, when I should have had the camera in the car. Just in case. Hindsight sucks.

Many times I have made a pact with myself to TAKE THE CAMERA. After this night, I have definitely changed my habits, and take the camera. Because you never know.

I went to coffee with a friend, which is weird to say, because I don't drink coffee. I had a pot of peppermint tea. She's a creative person, like me. We have great conversations about cooking, gardening, arts and photography. I never feel exhausted talking with her. Only uplifted and inspired. 

I talked about forgetting the camera. About not pulling over and taking photos when a view takes my fancy. Most of the time it's because I have the kids in the car, because my mind is on a mission to just get to the destination. She agreed, she used to do the same when her kids were younger. She even said that she does the same now, even though her kids are grown. 

Is it because life is so busy? 

Is it because I am only thinking of the end game, and not embracing what's happening right now?

I need to slow down. Do the things that make me happy. Fulfilled. AND take the camera everywhere!




  1. I think it's important to stop and notice things - and taking the camera is a way to force you to be in the moment. It makes you present. That's why it's important. Not so much for the photo. Love that scenery shot, just lovely.

  2. The light in these shots is incredible. The sky looks amazing.

  3. Great photos. So often I don't have my camera with me either and I'm kicking myself for not having it but sometimes on those occasions I'm more in the moment rather than focusing on taking photos.

    I was expecting the last photo to be a lit bonfire!

    1. WE headed inside where it was WARM not long after these photos, plus the kite flying wasn't working out. She had a ball building that teepee.

  4. I know, I know, I know!! Sometimes (rarely) I go for a walk WITHOUT iphone, so I capture memories in my head and via other senses. However it be that ONE time something extraordinary will appear. I loved seeing the stages of the building here and I reckon with little Miss is grown up she will be amazed at what you captured in her early life!! Denyse x

    1. The amazing things always happen when the proper camera is at home!

    2. Always!! The prompt next week may interest you!!

      Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek 21/52. Next week's optional prompt is "How Did My Blog Start"

  5. If photography makes you happy, definitely take the camera! I like taking pictures, too.

  6. I still can't get my lens off my camera, or figure out where to take it for repairs :(

    1. Oh no!
      I remember when my last DSLR kicked the bucket, I was devo.

  7. I've been making an effort (not a great one, but an effort!) to take my DSLR out more. It's nice to remember how much better a camera it is than just a smartphone.

  8. I take all my photos with my phone! Your snaps still look great and you've captured the moments well!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

  9. That sky... so gorgeous. I think our modern lives are SO busy and overwhelming in part due to how much we have to process with our brains (my post today was about just this thing!). I've been making a concerted effort to 'notice' things and speak them out loud like "I see you beautiful tree. I see your golden leaves and strong branches". Sounds weird, but it's made me stop and drink in things I might miss otherwise. (:

  10. What beautiful images and memories! I think having our cameras on us whether they're on phones or separate really helps us to be more mindful and in the moment.

    SSG xxx

  11. I almost never take photos. What am I like? Yours are always so pretty. Just gorgeous. You should definitely take your camera everywhere. xo

  12. Everyone has their camera/phone with them these days and there are so many photos - I always think back to the days of sending my 24 (unseen) photos to be processed and hoping that at least half would be worth putting in the photo album! And how expensive it all was. Things are so much simpler these days.

    1. I used to love my film camera and regularly frequented the processors. I loved when one hour processing came in! So much suspense on getting those prints. If only I kept all those negatives. But I have albums full of memories :)

  13. I think it is important to sometimes just be in the moment with or without the camera. But even with your phone, you have captured these moments beautifully. It is the memory triggered by the images that is most important anyway. Thank you for sharing these special moments with us.



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