
Monday, February 19, 2018

February is...

Our hottest month is February. I love hot weather. We are having lots of it too, but not the usual heatwaves. It was low twenties during last week and I was cold! I don't like being cold.

I've been doing lots of watering in the garden. We are getting lots of flavourful tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers from the garden. I made pesto with some of our summer basil last week. I love cooking with homemade produce from the garden, so satisfying. When I get some time this week, I'll pull up some beetroot.

These are some things that I relate to February, in the form of an acrostic poem...

F...Falling bark from the gum trees, all over the lawn, the

E...evening chorus of crickets and

B...Blood-stained cockatoos(little corellas) squawk and swoop through the sky, from tree to tree. 

R...Riding bikes in the street before bed time, sitting

U...under shade from the hot sun or inside with

A...air-conditioning. Eating

R...ripe tomatoes and peaches from the garden, where blooms of

Y...yellow flowers on zucchini and cucumber plants grow.

Are some of these similar to your February? Depends where on earth you are, I suppose.


  1. Blood stained in colour only?? Peaches are the winner!! We're eating heaps of them.

    1. Little Corellas are also named blood stained cockatoos because of the pink/red markings around their faces and chest. All the peaches have been picked and consumed!

  2. Your garden sounds amazing with all the fresh fruit and vegetables!

    1. I used to be such a crap veggie grower. I am getting much better at it :D

  3. Crickets are bittersweet for me. They always signify the end of summer and the arrival of the cooler weather.

    1. Fingers crossed there's a bit more warm weather to come.

  4. You and I had like minds...but you did it so well. I did not even attempt it in the end. Love the acrostic poem about February. Hope you are settling in to the gym/school/home routine! Denyse x

    1. Settling in now. With a new group of kids, it takes a few weeks for us all to settle in. Loving a bit more routine at home :)

    2. I am glad. Thank you for linking up to #lifethisweek 8/52. Next Week's Optional Prompt is Taking Stock - the list of word prompts is on the end of my Monday post.

  5. clever take on the prompt, way out of my league!

    February is the countdown to my birthday (and these days a kid birthday, too)

  6. Well done with your poem! Your garden sounds delicious.

  7. Haha yes, air-conditioning. SO MUCH SO. And not thinking about the elec bill when it comes :)

    1. I have no worries about that. We installed solar about six years ago and have always been in credit, so no bills! So glad we got in when we did.

  8. Beautiful, Alicia! February is one of our coldest months! But it is quite mild right now which I am thankful for and looking forward to hearing the crickets in spring again!


    1. Once our COLD winter hits(no snow like you), I will be longing for Spring too.

  9. I do like summer but I'm not a fan of the humidity. I hope SA stays warmish the first week of March as I'm heading to Adelaide for a few days. My cucumber plant has been doing well but zucchini failed miserably twice. Enjoyed your acrostic! :D

  10. I'm such a summer kid. I love it. But by this point in February, I'[m done. I'm SO ready to be cold for once. Ready to not have to remove the sweat form my brow. SO READY. Haha. I enjoyed your poem. A great addition to the post.


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