
Monday, January 22, 2018

Seaweed, plants and a friendly bearded dragon

One thing I love about going to new places is taking notice and appreciating nature. Surprisingly on our visit to Wrights Bay, near Robe, is that is not that much different from Pelican Point, where our holiday house is. 

The plants on the dunes, and the seaweed on the beach are similar, even the reefs that sprawl out into the ocean. I could not help but take photos, of the bright colours, textures and interesting shapes. 

We had a friendly and curious bearded dragon that dropped in at our campsite also, which was a little scary and funny at the same time. Summer and I were most entertained by him as he came right up and perched in the shade with us for a while like an old camping friend. He certainly like the minced meat I threw on the ground, and is probably why he came back the next day. 


  1. Each of these photos has such individuality and are all frameworthy! I love how each beach and area along our coastline can have some things the same and others unique. I am a lizard-phobe but in some ways getting a bit better at not over-reacting. The blue tongue in our backyard has moved on for Summer. Hope the heat eases a bit, SA gets the worst it seems! Denyse x

    1. I am not too bad with lizards, that is after I have realised they have legs and are not a snake. Now if it was a snake, I would have crapping my daks. I do't mind the heat, we are haing lovely warm days at the moment.

    2. Interesting!! I am less snake phobe than lizard and it is because a man once told me a goanna will run up you if you stand still because they think you are a tree...yikes!! Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek 4/52. Next Week is the FIRST photo-centred prompt (no topic!) called #ShareYourSnaps. Looking forward to seeing everyone's photos every 5th week this year!

  2. Alicia, I am terrified of lizards. Thank you for showing me the beauty of bearded dragons in today's post though.

    SSG xxx

    1. I was freakin out a bit when he came up closer, he seemed to be so cool, calm and collected though.

  3. Your pictures are gorgeous! I am absolutely terrified of lizards, but we have a few water dragons that live in our backyard. One in particular likes to come and watch me as I hang out the washing. I've named it Buddy to try and make him seem less scary. So far, it's not really working.

    1. I named this one Neville, that was when I thought he was a thorny devil, but he turned out to be a bearded dragon :)

  4. Such stunning photos! They look like they belong in a coffee table book!

    I think that bearded dragon has learnt where he can find an easy regular source of food from!


    1. Oh thanks Ingrid, maybe one day I should make a book.
      This lizard has found a good home at this camp ground, I guess I am probably not the first person to have fed him!

  5. The coastline in your area is beautiful. And your eye for the small things is wonderful, I really love the flower close-ups. Thanks for sharing these with us.

  6. Beautiful pics! The bearded dragon looks so cute. And seaweed has never looked so interesting before!

  7. Beautiful pics, all of them. The bearded dragon seems to be shedding its skin.

  8. The bearded dragon does look scary but you took a great picture. Love the colours of the seaweed.

  9. that blue sky is stunning against the sandy dunes!

  10. Alicia, these photos are beautiful and what a fun little story about a friendly little bearded dragon visitor! That's one you will certainly share for years! Super cute.


  11. Your pics are AMAZING - I so hope to visit Australia some day! On my list...
    Thanks for hosting. Have a GREAT day xo

  12. Glorioius photos - it sounds (and looks) like you've had a wonderful holiday!

  13. These are beautiful photos and how lovely is the bearded dragon. It must have been amazing to see it up close and personal.

    Maureen |


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