
Monday, January 15, 2018


So have you heard the word? The word is to have a word. A word to live by and guide you through 2018.

At the beginning of every year I don't give much thought to this. But by the second or third week, I read many 'word' posts floating around the blogosphere. 

They inspire me to think about my own goals for the year, and the things I want to better at, and fears I want to overcome.

In past years I have had 'brave', which lead me to entering more photography comps, and doing things out of my comfort zone. Another 'no guilt' which I know is two words, but pushed me not be guilty about me time, and all those other silly things that mums and wives seem to let seep into thier feeling guilty filter.

This year I am focusing on being CONNECTED.


  • Connected to knowing when I need a break, some me time. Instead of powering through and falling into an emotional, cranky heap.
  • Paying more attention to my health and fitness.
  • Connected to what my kids need to succeed, at school(which means more communication with thier teachers, which I am slack at). Listening to them, and asking meaningful questions about their day and how they are feeling. 
  • Spending more time together, around the table at dinner time.

  • Forcing myself to be better at communication with parents of my gymnasts students. 
  • Communicating well with other coaches, and committee members at the gym club.


  • Actually get out of the car and talk to other parents at school pick up.
  • Now that the community garden is under other management, get involved. I am actually excited about this, after the circus monkeys that used to run it.
  • When someone says "hi, how are you", acutally ask the same to them instead of saying "good thanks" and moving on.

I am not good at talking to people. I seem to avoid it, rather than seeking it out.

I am one of those people who sit back and watch, think too hard about conversation before I speak, and end up not saying much at all. 

It is hard work for me sometimes to actually get the words out of my head, and out of my mouth. I hide behind a smile and for a long time, I have gotten away with that. 

I am sure I have some sort of social anxiety when it comes to talking to new people. I am not so bad at saying hello, but anything further than that is like being a deer in the headlights. Bloody confronting.

So this is something I want to be better at this year. To not be afraid to speak. To say the words in my head, without being afraid that they might sound silly, or they may come out muddled up, which they mostly always do. I am not confident in conversation, especially with people I don't know well.

So my goal this year is so just speak. Communicate, connect.Talk to people!


  1. I loved reading that. Good on you for not only recognising what you want to be and do but now making a plan. So many people would not and you HAVE. I agree with taking time for this but if it is a little daunting or it doesn't work on some occasions, push on. So interested in seeing how it goes for you. Taking ourselves OUT of our comfort zone is both scary AND rewarding! Denyse x

    1. Congrats on your 16 link up posts! Awesome.
      Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek 3/52. Next week's optional prompt is "What is Kindness?"

  2. I much prefer your approach with one word than a resolution. I hope you do well by yourself and really stand by your goal for 2018. X

    1. Resolutions don't work for me, I am not good at sticking to them. But having a word is something I can work at in little steps towards a main goal. It's amazing how uplifting it can be to see some success.

  3. I'm much the same re talking to other people. I always forget to ask how they are and just say good thanks, and never really have a conversation unless it's an actual friend. I blame it on being an introvert lol.

    Di from Max The Unicorn

    1. Oh, I can relate! Introvert waving madly over here! ha ha ha

  4. Connected is a really great word. I don't have goals or a word because I feel it hasn't come to me yet, so I guess in a way connected is what I'll be until I work out what I want/need?

  5. I love your word 'connected'. I wasn't going to choose a word this year but I'm tempted to use yours. I'll have to think about it a bit more before I decide however.


  6. Great post and great word! I too am not great at communicating in a face-to-face environment. I find that if I have time to sit and think about what I'm going to write and how I'm going to word it, I'm usually fine. But being in that spur of the moment situation doesn't always serve me well. #LifeThisWeek

  7. Love your blog.
    Love your photos.
    Love your honesty.
    And social anxiety? Many of us feel the same way. But I've found that (almost) everyone brightens up when you say sincerely "G'day, how are you?" And everyone has a story. And everyone needs validation.
    Please keep up your wonderful work :-)

    1. Oh thank you Roz, you are good for my ego. You know it is a fabulous when someone takes the time to say hello and how are you. I want to be that person...
      I am guessing almost everyone has that social anxiety, just in varying degrees.

  8. Alicia, your idea about being more connected within your own community resonates with me. I'm guilty of rushing through places, wrapped up in my own needs and wants. The next time I'm out at my local cafe, I will stop and talk to that lady who's always on her own at the common table in the centre of it.

    SSG xxx

    1. Community is a wonderful thing. It is important for people to connect within it. I like to think of it as knitting. If we don't knit together it all just falls apart. When we are connected as a community, we are stronger.

  9. Connected is a beautiful word and I think it might help you push yourself out of your comfort zone. I used to be socially anxious too but then in 2013, I made it my motto to 'get out of my comfort zone'. I haven't looked back since and have become quite social even though I might get a little nervous at the start. Good luck and hope 2018 is wonderful for you!

    1. I have found that in the past, my words of the year, have been about getting out of my comfort zone. I get too comfortable in my own space, but it isn't healthy, especially for my mental health, I know that. The first steps into the unknown are the hardest, but the rewards are worth it.

  10. Alicia, "connected" is a great word! I have been focusing on the phrase "make it count". And I absolutely love that last saying "Speak even if your voice shakes." So good!


  11. A very good word for the year. We all need to connect with others whether our circle is small or large. Wishing you the very best for 2018.

  12. I love connected as a word, and how you've broken it down. Happy New Year, I hope it's everything you're hoping for and more. :)


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