
Thursday, September 14, 2017

In the picture

I have always been one for taking photos. Always the one with the chuck away camera, clicking away, and having to wait for them to be developed. The photo processing shop was one of my regular haunts.

I remember my sister commenting twenty five years ago, that I had way too many photos, especially of my new son. I should have realised back then that photography may have been the obvious path to take but there was some time in between then and now that I hardly took a photo. 

I have realised that I don't get myself in the photos too much anymore, I am always the one behind the camera.

I do remember a horrid sod, who once bluntly told me I am not photogenic, and it was hard to capture a good photo of me. I let it get to me at the time, but now when I think back about it, I realise that he should have taken a long walk off a big cliff!

We are all, well most of us, gorgeous souls and worthy off being in the picture. There are many who will appreciate those pictures in years to come and look fondly back at the moments in time captured.

Here are some of the pics I managed to get my ugly mug into over the last few weeks, thanks to Brett who awesomely took the reigns of the camera, or his phone, to capture most of these.

My friend of over thirty years! We met in high school and got to hang out for a couple of days while in QLD. You can't see the bottle of vino in my hand :)

You should recognise this bird. We've been online friends for almost five years and I finally got to have a face to face chat with the lovely Emily from Have a laugh on me. 

In line for the Batman ride at Movieworld. Bloody kids. She had a ball, and I am glad I did it with her. 

The girls first plane ride. Adelaide to Coolangatta. 

Along the Gallery Walk in Mount Tamborine Summer cracked up at this 'treeman', we stopped for a photo. Why not?!

Pick the tourists!

 I am trying hard to crack a smile, not easy with a drying face mask on.

Joining Leanne at Deep Fried Fruit


  1. Looks like you had a great time!

  2. Oh, lovely photos and I think it's good to be able to document what you've been up to and had those memories. I tried not to be in photos for years as I felt too fat etc... but it meant I really had no pics of my dad and I over a 10 or so year period which - in retrospect - made me sad after he'd gone. #teamlovinlife

  3. You most certainly ARE photogenic! These are all lovey photo's of you Alicia! Yes I recognise Emily - have met her a couple of times here in Brisbane. I don't get myself in enough photo's either. I'm far too self critical and never like photos of myself. I'm trying to get over that rubbish. #TeamLovinLife

  4. Oh wow. I am so glad you got in from of the camera this time and you too must be glad. What is that with someone saying a person is not photogenic. Booooo. So good to meet up with Em while you were there. Meeting bloggers is awesome because you don't need to find out about each other as you already know!! Glad you had a great holiday and you are in the picture! D xx

  5. I LOVE that Brett took lots of photos of you - your girls will LOVE looking at them when they're older. So lovely to get to squish you - xxx

  6. Oh wow you were in Queensland!!! How awesome!!! I think you are very brave going on that ride with your daughter ...

  7. Lovely photos and it looked like so much fun!

    SSG xxx

  8. There you are! Great to see you :)

  9. Fabulous photos! I'm like you, usually taking the photos and hardly ever in them. I have thousands upon thousands of pics, but I think that's a good thing. #captureit :) #TeamLovinLife


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