
Monday, September 4, 2017

Adventuring in the Gold Coast

The girls had their first flight in an airplane last Wednesday. We flew from Adelaide to Queensland's Gold Coast. It took two hours, and an hour into it the asking of "When are we there?" started. A few toilet trips later, and we were descending. Thanks goodness. How vicious are those airplane toilet flushes? Geez you wouldn't want to drop anything mid flush because it would be GONE!

We went to Sea World on our first day, and drove to Mount Tamborine on the second.

After finding out Friday was a public holiday in the Gold Coast for the show, we decided we'd avoid the theme parks for a few days and we're doing Wet n Wild and Movieworld over the next couple of days.

It worked out quite well as a friend from high school, who lives near Brissie, joined us at the resort for the weekend. It has been awesome catching up, and the kids have been perfect company for each other.


  1. What a lovely holiday it looks like!!

  2. This looks like so much fun! Enjoy the rest of your holiday!


  3. I love Mt Tamborine. My favourite thing there is to have lunch with the hotel dogs at St Bernards. They are huge!

    1. We didn't see the big dogs! We walked up and down the gallery walk, and went to see the glow worms. It reminds me of Hahndorf in the Adelaide Hills.

  4. Awww lovely! We were there too only around 4 weeks ago. The weather was beautiful. It's made the last of winter in Melbourne all the more difficult to take however!

    1. The weather back home was cold, hailing and gale force winds. There was even snow in Lorne apparently! We will freeze when we get back to Adelaide tomorrow.

  5. How fantastic is a holiday? I am so glad you are having fun up there..and I bet your girls are finding the beaches one huge contrast to your usual ones. Love seeing the pics. Enjoy what is left of your holiday. D xx

  6. My goodness we were at Miami on Saturday then went for a beach walk - and I forgot you were staying so close! SILLY ME! Mind you I had just taken 3 kids to learn to skateboard and I was scattered. How cool is the sand pumping boat? x

  7. My kids are busting to go on an aeroplane! I can remember my first trip on one, peering out the window and marvelling at how small everything appeared to be on the ground below - roads were thin lines and houses but a speck! Can't wait for my kids to experience it but not prepared for 'when are we there'! Might have to bribe them beforehand. Ha! Lovely photos. Beautiful memories being made right there. Enjoy the rest of your holiday. And the flight home...tee hee. x

  8. That all looks amazing. We had hail and snow not far away here today... ahhhhh for some nice sun!!

  9. Looks like an amazing holiday! :) Oh and Queensland spring has sprung earlier I suppose!

  10. Oh my sanity! Kids on a plane! My kids have not been on a plane yet and I don't think I am ready based on the abundance of "Are we there yets?" that occur during a 30 minute trip in the car! But what a lovely trip you all had. Thanks so much for sharing!


  11. I love your pictures, as always. I hope you continue to have an awesome time on the Gold Coast!

  12. GREAT photos!!! They're always awesome....have a GREAT week xo


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