
Monday, July 3, 2017

Taking stock - the July edition

This is my second Taking Stock post, inspired by many other bloggers who have taken Pip, from Meet me at Mikes' lead.

Making: Chocolate cake for school recess, because there is nothing except a packet of twisties in the pantry.

Realising: My wine glass is empty!

Cooking: Shephards pie made with the tunisian spice mix I posted last week. I added after browning the mince. It was good! Hubby is taking the leftovers for work. I used mashed potatoes on top of the mince, but when I make it again, I might try sweet potato.

Drinking: Not enough water. Have to get into the habit of drinking more water. 

Reading: Making an real attempt to stop wasting time perusing Facebook, and to connect by reading more blogs and linking up more places. 

A new blog I am enjoying reading is Extraordinarily Ordinary, by a former local girl, Jess. She lives in WA now with her husband Jeff. She writes about life with three boys, who are all on the autism spectrum. She is doing an awesome job with her new blogging venture.

Wanting: To order some more of Leanda Michelles', Write to Heal essential oil blend. She has just featured all of the oils and how they relate to the Chakras on her Facebook page, and it's made me want more after running out earlier in the year. My favourite place to roll it on was my neck and wrists, and am feeling the need for it's calming and relaxing qualities. 

Looking: At my newly cleared garden patch. We've managed to kill off most of the ivy, and hubby cleaned up one of the garden beds where it had taken over. It is so good to see the garden bones that I created about 15 years ago. It is also exciting because I can replant! Look out garden centres, I am coming!

Pondering: Running away for a week. I wonder if anyone will notice I have gone?!

Enjoying: Having the opportunity to take some time for me. I had a peaceful few days at home last week where I could catch up looking after myself. 

Waiting: Our holiday home is listed on the Stayz website, but this week I listed it on Airbnb. So waiting for our first booking through them! We stayed there over the weekend. It was bloody cold down the beach, so not holding my breath that anyone would want to come and stay. While I was down at Blackfellows Caves though,  fishing with Izzy, we met some tourists who were staying at a house there, so there is hope. It is pretty quiet during winter, holiday rentalwise.

Liking: That the cat has been desexed and we can let it outside without the fear of it getting pregnant. The cat we got for nothing, has turned into a two hundred dollar cat! We took it with us to the holiday house, the lace curtains have suffered. It's not coming again!

Wondering: If when I ring at eight o'clock, I will actually get an appointment at the doctors surgery for my son. He needs scripts. I rang on Friday and they are fully booked all week! So it's up to ringing in the morning to try to get one of the appointments that open up. You would think that a schizophrenic who needs a script for meds would have one of those appointments before having to ring at stupid oclock. Got me fucked.

Loving: The gorgeous winter sunsets and sunrises we are getting at the moment. It's keeping the hope of warm sunny days alive. It has been biting cold the last couple of weeks, I am not a fan.

Listening: Next terms Kindergym theme is 'Under the sea', so I am listening to songs for children that I can incorporate with warm up and cool downs. I have an old phone that I am purposing for music only, that I can stream via bluetooth to the gyms sound system. Makes my job a lot easier. Trouble is I keep misplacing the phone during warm ups! I am finding some good songs on You tube that I can use.

Considering: Going to bed and finishing this post in the morning! Summer has just come out of her room and wants me to lay down with her.  

Buying: More bandaids. I cut myself quite badly a week ago while preparing dinner, but I am running out of bandaids. I am relieved at how well it is healing. It was touch and go in my head whether to go to the ER, but it's all good now. Amazing actually.

Watching: The Voice finale. How awesome these young people get such a fantastic opportunity. Boy George was one of my faves when I was a teenager. I had a scrap book with pages and pages of pictures cut out of magazines of Boy George and The Culture Club. It was a bit of an obsession! Not just them either, all sorts of eighties bands, made it into the pages of that scrap book, not to mention the four walls of my bedroom!

Hoping: I remember the bucket behind my car in the morning, when I take the kids to school. Izzy caught two fish on Sunday morning. She wanted to bring one home in a bucket with sea water in it. It is still on the ground behind my car. She caught rock cod, which aren't the best eating, I don't mind them, but I think the cat will get this one. 

Marvelling: At my mad cleaning skills. After returning home from our weekend away, I managed to get most of the washing done and the stack of dishes I left on the sink before we went away. I usually like to leave the house clean before we go away, so that I can walk back inot a clean house. I just could not be bothered on Friday.

Cringing: at the look of my banana tree after the frosts. It looks so sad and dreadful. The fruiting flower was jsut coming out too. I wonder if it will last through winter, I hope so.

Needing:  To repaint my toenails! I guess it's one of those winter things that don't get done as often, like shaving my legs, which I actually did do a couple of weeks ago! 

Questioning: If I need to write when bills are due in my diary, as I realised earlier in the week, I had been driving around without a licence for 10 days. It happened last time too, for three weeks! Lucky the coppers didn't pull me over.

Smelling: Jonquils! They are flowering in the garden right now, and I am eyeing them off to bring inside. It's feels like ages since I had flowers from the garden on my table, and it has been!

Wearing: Ha. Right now. A black hoodie and aqua leopard print pyjama pants. Otherwise, mostly trackpants and hoodies with runners during the day. Easy warm winter clothes to throw on in the mornings. Not much winter style going on here lately.

Following: bronzfinepix on instagram. She is a local photographer, who took out the local council photo competition, with her autumn trees shot at Mt Burr. Ive been following her for a while and was stoked that she won.

Noticing: That the filters in my reverse cycle air conditioner may need cleaning. The heating has been on for a while and I still feel cold.

Thinking: I should make some more patch work blankets. There have been a couple that have perished because of age, and I love the look of a patchwork blanket. Would be a good excuse to visit the fabric shop. Plus I have taken a few of our blankets to the holiday house, for the renters and there's not enough to go around here ;)

Admiring: The fit people about the place who actually get out and exercise. I need to do that, probably just walking, and lose some extra flab. I am more likely to get more use out of the winter clothes that are a bit tight in my wardrobe.

Getting: Sick of feeling like I do everything around here. I have made a pact with myself, that I ask for help from the other half, that doesn't sound like I am barking orders. I think that is just it. I need to deligate responsibility to the person who should be helping me out, and not feel resentful, just because he doesn't know what needs doing.

Disliking: How quickly my floors get dirty. 

Opening: Well hopefully if I remember, a new tub of Gumption. My kitchen sink needs a good going over. I have found this the best thing to get it sparkling in no time.

Giggling: Facebook has been giving me some giggles via the Puns page this week. If only my Facebook feed was full of good stuff. I have just been through my feed and unliked the pages that post click bait, my feed is much better for it. 

Feeling: Sorry for my Mum, her falsies broke last week and she couldn't get an appointment til Wednesday this week. You should have seen the look on Summer's face when she saw her Nanna with no top teeth! I was trying hard not to laugh.

Celebrating: Surviving my first term of leading Kindergym at my local gymnastics club. My last lesson is actually Thursday. The best thing is, I get to do it all again next term. 

Pretending: My kids are asleep. I am in denial that one of them will come out and say they need something or for me to lay down with them. 

Embracing: The school holidays which start on Friday. I cannot wait to sleep in past 7 am. I hope my kids will comply!

Joining Denyse for #lifethisweek


  1. 80's bands are the best, it's really my favourite era for music. Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, New Order, Wham (lol) so many amazing artists, love them!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

    1. Yep, I loved my music back then. I think it helped me through those teenage years! Lol, most of those artists had a page in my scrap book.

  2. Lovely round up Alicia and your gardening efforts are beautiful.

    1. I am hanging out to replant and tidy up. Bit wet and cold at the moment.

  3. That was such a lovely (and busy!) Taking Stock. I hope you get that appointment. It seems like that might be something you might have to plan ahead for too even though your son is grown...tough call on responsibility isn't it? I guess "we all live in a Yellow Submarine" would fit the bill for Kindegym. Oh your poor Mum..but this is what I too will be like for the next 3-4 months after my surgery (this week, still fingers crossed!) and because of it I will be wanting to see very few people and talking will be hard...never mind, about me anyway! As for ivy, when we moved in here it was everywhere. Why oh why is it so hard to kill. I hope your school holidays weeks are great and lots of people rent out the cottage! Denyse xx

    1. Got the appointment and the scripts this morning! With caring for my son, and all the other things going on I am quite busy. If I don't help him get organised with all this sort of stuff, it will never get done, and I do not want him going backwards in his health. I think with his Aspergers as well, he can get a bit overwhelmed with his appointments and peopling in general. No rest for the wicked lol.

    2. YOU are the best. I tell you what, remembering everything is hard even without his health challenges. Go mama !! Thank you linking up....and I shall be back!! Denyse xx

  4. What an awesome 'taking stock'! I enjoyed reading that a lot! I adore Sheppard's Pie. My Mum used to make a delicious version that we ate quite a bit when I was younger. So comforting in weather like we're having at the moment (it's thunder, lightning and pouring rain here in Ballarat!).

  5. Not much winter style going on here either! In fact, I can't see why pyjamas shouldn't be day wear during winter. You sound incredibly busy. Hope you get to enjoy a few sleep-ins through the holidays xo

  6. Really enjoyed reading your taking stock post - everyone seems to have been so busy - and you are no exception! I think about how boring mine would be if I did one - maybe I'll challenge myself when Denyse gets back and throws us another one.

  7. You've been busy! Can't wait to see what you d with your garden. Looks nice already but I imagine it'll get better. And I hate having to be the responsible one for all the work around the house. Hope July is good to you. :)

  8. Great round up! I too wear tracksuits, runners etc on a daily basis. I don't like jeans at all, but wear them on occasion.
    The garden is looking great too!


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