
Monday, June 12, 2017

Winter gardens and taking the groceries out

I took these first two photos on the way home from Pelican Point on Friday. Being a long weekend, we had people renting our house, and I'd been over to mow the lawns and turn everything on. The colour in the turning leaves of the trees begged me to pull over and capture their golden glow. I loved the way the leaves danced about when I drove through. There were quite a few leaves floating down to the ground while I was parked there.

The weather has most definitely turned and we found that no more than yesterday when we drove to Lake Leake for a barbeque. It did not take long after we arrived, to decide to turn around and go home, deciding we'd just taken the bread, sausages and sauce out for a drive in the countryside. It was freezing and should have known by the clouds hanging over the pine forests nearby. I didn't even get the camera out the bag for some shots of the lake!

Not much is happening in the garden, except for frost damage. The poor banana tree has copped it and the capsicums and eggplants, that should have been pulled out already (I have been slack, or busy. You choose the excuse) are just sticks with dead leaves on them. 

There is a little colour about, and my lettuce plants are booming, I was a little worried with the frosts, but they came through beautifully. It feels amazing to not have to buy lettuce at the supermarket! 

Jonquils are starting to flower, one of my favourite things that happen in the garden at this time of year. The white ones are first, the yellow ones will follow a little later.

We felt sorry for poor old Peppi shivering in the mornings, Brett went down and bought him a blue puffy jacket, with a hood even! We got such a laugh when we first put it on him.

 I am counting down the days when the temperature climbs above 18 degrees again. Although the kids were so excited during the week to see ice all over the lawns on the way to school. I've taken to presetting the heating to come on before I get up. Too darn cold!

I warned the kids not to play in the ice when they got to school, and I am the one this long weekend that has come down with a bloody flu, hoping I am on the mend now. I have a holiday house to clean today and ours tomorrow! 

Still having trouble deciding which photos to enter into the annual local council photo competition. It is coming down to how much money I can afford to spend on printing and also the entry fee for each photo. First world problems of course. Doing my head in.

How are you coping with the winter cold? Ever taken your groceries out for a drive for the day?


  1. How lovely to have jonquils in your garden! They look and smell so divine!


    1. It will be awesome when I have enough for a bunch!

  2. That top photo is good - great light and composition. Enter that.

    1. Thanks Lydia, I had the same thought today. It's in our local council area too :D

  3. Your images make winter and the cold, seem joyful. Such beautiful images Alicia. All the best choosing some winners of your own!

    1. Thanks Jodi. I should have stopped to take photos of all the ice that day!

  4. The weather sure has changed and well and truly brought Winter here on the NSW coast as well. First sunshine today for about 4 days. So of course, the washing gets to go outside. I do hope you feel better soon..and maybe as it's public holiday everyone at home could pitch in to clean your place! D x

    1. LOL Denyse. I left today to clean the holiday house I look after for a lady, with the house and kids in the hands of my hubby, it looks like we've been burgled!

  5. I can't say I've ever taken my groceries out for a drive before! It's cold enough here in NSW so I'm feeling for you at the moment!

  6. Poor Peppi! He looks lovely in his spiffy new jacket. (: It's been freezing and like ice some days where I am. There's still so much of Winter to come, too...

    1. There is Linda! So glad I took our jackets yesterday, I might leave mine in the car from now on, along with the two umbrellas I have bought in the past few weeks!


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