
Monday, June 26, 2017

Croc Family Robinson(O'Brien)

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I know it's the middle of winter, but my post today is about Crocs, amongst other things, or the knock offs our family are currently wearing.

hubby's fave footwear and the chilluns

My hubby loves his Crocs. I can't remember what happened to his last pair, probably a blow out of some sort, but he went looking for new ones and found them at Rivers, on sale no less, at five dollars a pair. He bought two and has one stashed away for when the other ones die and go to shoe heaven, namely the red bin, or in his case occasionally the yellow recycling bin, because sometimes, god love him,  he doesn't get the yellow bin concept.

In his absolute Croc loving bargain buying excitement, he decided the whole family needed a pair of the fantastic creation that is the Croc. He channelled his inner Oprah, and we all got a pair.

My son even has a pair, and I kinda cringe when he happily wears them out and about, with socks no less! His choice. He has Aspergers, and if he's happy and comfortable, I am happy.

Now they come in awesomely handy when I want the girls to throw on something in a hurry. Awesome, and they love their rubbery, spongy footwear.

Mine live at the back door. I think they rock for feeding the chooks, or ducking out into the garden to cut some herbs or to gather lettuce. But when he declares we should all wear them on our impending Queensland holiday, I am pushing the 'No way Jose' button. These babies, even though he picked a pretty cool colour, are NOT venturing past the letter box sunshine! Whereas, he wears them everywhere, and if we were church going people, he'd probably wear them there too!

my lovely department store yard shoes ;)

Sharing this post with Denyse for #lifethisweek


  1. The weird thing with Crocs is everyone had them and then everyone got all judgey about them...I'm a thongs and Birkenstock person myself, and I totally own that...

    1. I'm a thongs girl too. Maybe my mind will be changed in the summer when we go reef walking and beach combing, then I may let the crocs out of the street :D

    2. I own Birkis, Havs and Crocs! Especially through summer... No judgement from me.

      SSG xxx

  2. Oh go on! Wear them with pride! I am going to have to dig out my Mary-Jane Crocs. So comfy. Thanks for the remimder.

    1. I proudly wear them...just not out in public, yet! :)

  3. I had a pair of knock-offs and did find them very handy. Now I am wondering what I did with them! They were so easy to put on and off!

    1. I must admit they are handy to have at the back door to slip on and off :)

  4. I don't own any crocs but do wear thongs more than I thought I would since my seachange. (And by that I mean those things on your feet, not the underwear!) I used to vow I wouldn't wear my rubber thongs out but I tend to live in them.

    1. I have no problem going out in my rubber thongs. My feet don't love them though, I always end up with cracked heels by the end of Summer.

  5. I usually wear thongs or sandals in summer, but always have closed shoes on in the cooler months.

    1. It has been so darn cold here, my thongs are at the bottom of the shoe box. I'm usually in sneakers or boots these days. I must say the crocs are handy to have at the back door for quick trips outside.

  6. My husband and I have resisted the croc lure - they really are the ugliest of shoes - probably great for the backyard, but nowhere else. I'm a thongs or uggies girl for around the house - so no crocs at our place.

    1. If it was up to me, I wouldn't have bought myself a pair! They are handy at the back door, as I have had a bad habit of wearing my slippers to just duck out in the yard.

  7. While my husband and I are not fans of Crocs for ourselves, they are a necessity for the little ones! Easiest thing for them to throw on to run outside without bugging mommy and daddy for help with their shoes! Which reminds, they are both due for a new pair!


  8. I have a turquoise blue pair like the ones in the last picture, that wait for me at our back door too :-)


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