
Monday, May 29, 2017

My hobbies

I don't have one particular hobby that I spend a lot of time on. I have several different hobbies that I dedicate my time to. I'd love to have more time to dedicate to them and I would probably be amazing at them all. I am happy with mediocre.

I think it's important to have some sort of hobby, even if it is just one. Everyone needs something to fill the downtime with, to keep minds active and to help relax, whether that be reading, knitting or scrapbooking, or whatever.

My hobbies begin with gardening. I've made a garden in every house I've lived at for the last 25 years. I find great pleasure in planting something in the ground and being rewarded with gorgeous flowers or produce to use in my kitchen.

It's taken me a lot of years to be good at growing my own veggies. I sucked at it for a long time, mainly concentrating on having loads of colourful flowers. 

I enjoy going on garden tours and looking at other people's gardens too. My mum is  in a local gardening group who do just that once a month and I don't mind tagging along with the old ducks. I am sure they will set me straight about the old bit right away!

My other hobby is photography. I would love to be better at it, and I suppose this is one of those things that the more time I spend on it, the better I will be. 

I have to make more time for getting out with my camera to different places and conditions. I could probably explore with my camera settings to see what more I can do with it.

The Wattle Range Council photography competition is coming up quickly. I need to go through all the local photos I have taken in the last year and pick some good ones I can enter. 

I am a pretty creative person, and love to create when inspiration hits. I 

I don't do one particular sort of craft, like sewing or painting. I like to have a go at just about anything. You could say that I am a jill of all trades when it comes to crafting.

I have never been inspired enough to take up knitting or crochet, but don't mind sitting behind my sewing machine if something takes my fancy. Like the humpty dumpty I made for my Kindergym class.

There was a time when I did lots, and I mean lots of embroidery. I enjoy that, but haven't done any for a while.

I don't mind getting my paintbrushes wet every now and then too, and I've been known to do a bit of drawing.

I tend to only craft when I am inspired and motivated to do so, and I am always happy I did. Google comes in handy if I get stuck on how to get something done! I get very determined when I set out be creative.


  1. YOu're very talented in your hobbies, I think!

    1. Thank you Lydia. I get my creativeness from my mum I reckon :)

  2. Your photos are amazing! And I always envy your home grown veggies! Do you consider your blog a hobby as well?


    1. Yes, I guess my blog is a hobby too. I wish I had more time for blogging too!

  3. Your Humpty is too cute.
    I love sewing and really need to get back into it. I used to sew my own clothing for the kids and should be making my youngest some pretty dresses. I have a huge collection of vintage patterns... One day!

    1. Oh gosh Jodi, I was in Kmart the other day and bought long sleeve tees for the girls for $2.75 each! I had the thought you couldn't make them for that. Does not compare though for homemade, probably better quality fabric too :) The last thing I sewed for my girls was nighties. Izzy has grown out of them now, but she remembered them and asked about them the other night. Have to make some more :)

  4. You are indeed a creative person. I loved reading about your hobbies. Some are for fun and others are practical. Your photography is superb! Thank you for taking on the prompt this week too! Next week is 'View From Here.'

    1. Thank you for the prompt! I was a little lost yesterday with what to write about :) Aaaw thank you for the photography praise, you are good for my ego xx

  5. I love craft but feel I'm not that great at it. My Dad is good at gardening, but I can't be bothered. I love your photos!

  6. Love the flowers a lot along with the pumpkins. I don't see orange ones here in New Zealand! I think I have to say that gardening and photography are my hobbies. I do enjoy them both a lot.


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