
Monday, May 8, 2017

Kale pesto.

Yes boring old kale. 

I think there's a few people who are over it, who would rather eat an old boot.

When I planted kale, I did so with good intentions. Despite the plants growing magnificently and looking good, I have hardly used it. But in the last few weeks, that has changed and I have come to appreciate it a little more.

I don't have photographic evidence of the fantastic Colcannon mash potatoes I made using kale and cabbage from my veggie patch, but it was surprisingly good! 

I found a great recipe for soup on a packet of McKenzie's yellow split peas, which usually uses spinach. Don't have any of that, but what I did have in the old plot was silverbeet and you guessed it, Kale! It was delicious, and with this woeful autumn weather we're having, it went down a treat. For one. No one else in the house has the appreciation for soup like I I eat it for days when I do make it. Plus I got to use the last of my basil pesto with it. 

Did I tell you it was 14 degrees yesterday? Soup weather right there. I treated myself to some fluffy slippers, last shopping day. Early mother's day present (she says with a nod of the head). It's keeping my toes warm in the mornings.

I wrote down a recipe for kale pesto in my scrap recipe book, because as I mentioned, I planted it with good intentions, the same reason I wrote the recipe down, I actually made it and it was good.

I made more soup, a couple days ago, which yes, I am still eating. There's one bowl left for lunch today, which I will be eating with kale pesto and a drizzle of chilli oil.

On Saturday night we had roast lamb, and the kale pesto was AMAZING on the meat. It is very similar to a salsa verde, or green sauce ('verde' being Spanish for green, and 'salsa' for sauce), which is awesome with roasted meats. You should try it.

I'll be making this pesto again for sure! The original recipe did not have pumpkin seeds included, it's up to you if you put them in. I am going to try it with walnuts next time, which are in season at the moment and on our last foraging trip around the place, found a tree to raid!

I keep it in the fridge, and usually add a layer of olive oil to the top. 

Kale pesto

1 cup torn kale, stems removed
1/2 cup grated parmesan
1 cup parsley
2 cloves of garlic
2 teaspoons lemon rind
2 tablespoons lemon juice
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds

Process to your desired consistency and enjoy!

I've just planted this purple variety in the garden 


  1. Funny that your post is all about Kale Pesto and my linked post this week is the Good Green Box! Haha!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

    1. I can't work out if I would love a green box more than more lamb with kale pesto! :D

  2. Wow Alicia, this sounds delicious. I am going to make some pesto soon. I have been eating loads (and soups). Always fun to try hearty meals again as the season turns.

    1. I am loving exploring different pestos, beside the traditional basil one :)

  3. It is definitely soup weather here now! I'll be starting to make soups this week too!


    1. I was so not ready for the warm weather to be over. #seasonwoes

  4. I cannot get my man to love kale but I think even he might go for that pesto. Thanks for the linkup ☺

  5. I love it when a substitute in a recipe works. You are a creative cook and that is a wonderful thing. Glad you love your soups because it IS the right weather for sure!

    1. I just love finding ways to use the produce I grow! I am falling in love with my kale at the moment. I guess it's different when I grow it myself, otherwise I would probably not buy it.
      I noticed it for four odd dollars a bunch today at woolworths, and could not believe people would buy it when they could plant it in the backyard!

  6. I have never made pesto before but I think I might give it a go!

    1. I would start with the traditional pesto if you do. But this one is lovely, more so with soup or roasts than pasta, which I haven't tried this one with yet.

  7. soup weather sounds great, but kale pesto not so much :)

    1. So I guess you're not sold then lol! It really is delish! You really need to come round for lunch one day ;)


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