
Monday, March 13, 2017

Sunsets for the soul

These photos are a few weeks old. I've only just had time to edit and post them.

We stayed at our holiday house in Pelican Point in the Limestone Coast of South Australia.

I got the chance for a walk down the beach on my own, with my camera.

These houses are situated on the beach front. Ours is on the back streets, away from the sea, which is kinda better, considering in the rough and high seas of winter, when the waves crash in their front yards!

This bay is called Bungalow Bay, so fitting....imagine being a local and seeing the changing scenes of this bay every week, we only get to see it every few weeks.  

It is a real treat when the sun puts on a show when we are there. 

In the morning we went exploring at Red Rock Bay, where there are more awesome sights.


  1. What glorious photos! Nature really is stunning!

  2. I am glad you got to re-visit your place and take photos too. It seems like a pretty rugged and unspoiled part of our wonderful country. Thank you for sharing them. The lakes which we live close to have much weed like I saw in the pics but not the colour. it does tend to get 'stinky' at certain times.

    1. I love the pinks and bright greens in this seaweed. It does get a bit stinky at times.

  3. Wow, you have a real talent for capturing Mother Nature at its finest! Beautiful photos!!

  4. This place looks amazing Alicia. My kids would love to roam here.

    1. They would! We had friends who stayed who were in awe of all the different beaches and reefs to explore.

  5. I want a holiday house now! Pelican Point looks stunning, I love your photos :)

    1. It's a pretty awesome area to spend some time in. I didn't realise until we actually bought a house here.

  6. Oh wow, these are stunning photos. The colours of the seaweed are quite beautiful!

    1. I love the bright colours in the seaweed here. There is a lot of it!

  7. I've said it before but you live near such a gorgeous spot - that beach! GAH.. so picturesque x

  8. Beautiful photos! I'm curious though --- what's all that stuff on the beach??? Doesn't really look like seaweed...

    1. It is all seaweed Sanch, all different kinds and loads of it!

  9. Your photos are stunning, thank you for sharing them with the world ☺

  10. Lovely sky and that boat is certainly interesting. I'm glad you got the time to wander and take photos. I'm not sure I'd want the wild winter seas on my door step either.

    1. The wreck? It's a metal and concrete hull. Was a yacht that wrecked on the reefs about ten years ago. Been there all that time. Makes a great point of interest at red rock bay. I can't help but take photos of it, everytime I am there!


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