
Monday, February 20, 2017

A scrappy job

Last week I was the office biatch at my twin brothers', scrap metal business.

One of my brothers and his wife, went on holiday and I had the pleasure of holding down the fort. If it wasn't dead queit, it was like Central Station. Also the dust and dirt factor was off the charts! I cleaned the office on Monday and by Tuesday arvo there was a fine layer of dust on everything. I can imagine in Winter, that dust turns to mud!

I quite enjoyed my week, but kudos to full time working mummas, my house looks like a bomb hit it. Looking forward to catching up around the house this week.

I enjoyed spending a bit more time with my other brother in his work place. I hardly go near the place any other time. It was nice to connect again.

On one of the quiet days, I took a walk around, and a climb up on top of an excavator to take some photos. Here is your one and only tour, of the scrap metal yard.

The day after, the Smorgons Steel baler turned up and it wasn't so quiet. Imagine a giant crushing machine that a whole car (or a pile of metal) is fed into, squashed, and spat out the size of a bale of hay. The bales are then stacked onto a truck and transported to Melbourne, where the metal is recycled at a steel mill.


  1. I thought it was meant to be a junkyard dog...not cat! ;) Great shots.

    1. I had the same thoughts. This one is kinda tame, and they feed this one, but I did see one other cat that was obviously a stray.

  2. If only metal could talk, the stories the items in that scrap yard could tell!!!


  3. Scrap metal looks so cool! This sounds like a fun assignment - like the 'Dirty Jobs' TV show. (Which I really enjoy watching!)

  4. I find this pretty interesting! But then I also love the tip shop so I'm kinda wierd :P

  5. That's certainly a different work place! That cat looks so wise :)

  6. My goodness what a lot of stuff we humans accumulate then ditch..for all the reasons we do! And you "wanted to clean" the office..god love ya! I think this place could never stay that way for long.

    1. I was looking for things to do besides answer the phone and write out sales dockets when the boys would bring loads in! I got over the cleaning after the first day lol

  7. some amazing textures and colours in old junk!

  8. Who knew "scrap" could be so photogenic? It would have been great to reconnect with one of your brothers. I know it's something I need to make more of an effort with, when it comes to my brother too.

  9. I love the cat!!! He looks super cool and in charge! I can only imagine the dust. My brother lives in another state, and we don't catch up very often. I wish we saw each other more. Linda.

  10. Love these shots! The colours /hues look

  11. As a general rule, I don't watch television. When we had Zita (It's Time) staying with us when she came to Perth, I made an exception and watched Goggle Box. Although I kept calling it Google Box. I was half inclined to record the conversations Zita and my hubby were having while watching the show and create a Vlogging reality show out of it. It was hilarious.

    1. And for some strange reason, I've commented on the wrong post. LOL


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