
Monday, January 23, 2017

Goodbye summer holidays, hello school!

I am so ready for the kids to go back to school, that this last week of school holidays cannot go quickly enough.

At the end of school last year, I wondered how the hell was I going to get through the next six weeks without losing my marbles all over the shop. I might jinx myself here, one week out from the most peace I have had in the last 7 years, but I survived, hanging by a thread.

I speak too soon, because book day is on Wednesday, and I've yet to cover two lots of school books. I have three rolls of contact, which I know wont be enough, waiting in the wings writing desk. Why do I get nervous just uttering that word? Contact. I can feel the frustration of crinkly lines already. Last year Isabel was lucky enough to have a teacher who supplied plastic sleeves. I wait with fingers crossed.

That aside I am a little excited for Summer's first day. How gorgeous! I won't be the emotional mother, I will be the mother leaving burnt rubber marks in the carpark, in a hurry to leave! Good luck with that one Miss Newsom! 

I've recently donned Summer with the nickname of Jonah from Tonga. for the lovely way she calls everyone a 'dickhead', when she gets upset with them. I am hanging on the hope, and I know it's true, that she is an angel for other people, which is the most important thing. Most kids are the same.

I left an arm and a leg at the shops a couple of weeks ago, buying clothes, hats, drink bottles and backpacks. I will be applying for disabilty at the end of the week, when I leave my other limbs at the school front office for school fees, when I pick up the books.

We did have a great Summer holiday break. The best thing we did was buy them a pool for Christmas, it has been well used and loads of fun had. 

We've had more visits during the day with Granny at the old folks home. The residents actually loved seeing the kids, commenting they don't see enough little people. Bit sad really. 

We spent heaps of time going here and there, meeting up with family and friends. We really didn't have too many lazy days really. My lazy days are coming up. Who knows what is in store for me, as the kids both go off to school. 

I do know I will be starting to walk everyday, I need to lose the summer holiday flab, it's crept up on me. 

I am going to enjoy the time to myself at first and am wondering how long it takes me to get bored with myself. I am looking forward to seeing where this year takes me.


  1. Don't I know it. School starts this morning. I'm looking forward to getting going for the year.

  2. Happy almost end of the long holidays week Alicia! I hate contact with a passion because I cannot do it right. Mind you, once the books are covered they are very much better for the contact. My daughter is good at it (she is now in her element as a teacher librarian!) but I recall her taking over book covering for herself and her brother at an early age. I am looking forward to seeing how your first week back at school kids at home! And it is lovely that you got to share the kids with the old people at the retirement place. It is true how much older people miss little kids. We do! Denyse xx

    1. I'll take the kids back again sometime this week before they go back to school. I usually go before lunch because they have activities or games we can join in the fun with them.
      I am gonna love no kids at home, I am going to get so much done!

  3. Dude contact is so over you need to get your hands on the book sleevy things!! One more effing week here and i am sooooooo over it!
    Enjoy your you time! Promise to link up next week!

    1. Hang in there mumma, one more week! I know I am gonna regret buying the contact, I'll have to instagram my efforts lol

  4. I'm dreading the return of school. It'becomes so crazy in our house. We're back to 3 schools again too - so that will be a whole lot to keep track of! UGH.
    It will be nice to get some time to exercise, and possibly write again. I've been a little useless at that. I was meant to write at least a short story but no....too much fun to be had!

    1. 3 schools! That is a lot to keep up with, and three dropoffs.
      I am so glad I will have only one dropoff now, easy! Best of luck getting your writing done x

  5. I weep at the prospect of school starting again! We have been having the most wonderful summer break together. I adore having my kids around me full-time. Seriously! There is so much chaos and laughter. Not much washing and stuff-all routine. To me, this is parenting at its highest peak.
    On the plus side, you're going to have a ball when they start!

    1. I am ready for some routine. Although being at the skate park still at 7:30pm has been good, and not having to get up to an alarm.
      I am going to have such a ball!!

  6. Oh, I miss 'back to school'! My girls dubbed me the 'contact ninja' as I would contact any book and novel not nailed down! I Ioved getting their books, labelling everything, putting names on coloured pencils, fittng it all in their bags wth new water bottle and lunch box. I didnt even mind packing their lunches. I tell you what, you miss it all when your baby birds fly off to Uni in the big city. I'd do it again tomorrow, if I could.
    A tip for drink bottles. Freeze the bottle half full of water. In the morning, top it up. The water is lovely and cold but still ready to drink. Wrap a facewasher or similar around it to stop the condensation wetting everything, secure with a hair elastic. When they get home, deal with the water bottles straight away, into the freezer ready for the next day.
    You won't know what to do with yourself...

    1. That's a great tip for the water, especially with the warm weather! Thanks for that, you are full of gems.
      I am going to enjoy the quite, a clean house and more time for me at first. Then I will not know what to do!

  7. One more week. One more week. That's going to be my chant for the rest of this week, I know! Good luck with it all. I saw my youngest off to school last year and she loved it. I hope this year is all sorts of awesome for you Alicia!!!

    1. Summer is so keen to get to school, she's been asking for the last week if it is 'the day'. I think she'll be fine.
      I'm feeling good about this year, thank you :)

  8. Haha...I bet a lot of parents are counting down the days. I, on the other hand, am not looking forward to it because for us it means more referrals. It's amazing how kids' mental health improves over the holidays but once school goes back, they seem to deteriorate! Hope the next few days go well and you enjoy you much needed you-time! :)

  9. I know there is many a happy parent around this area with school going back yesterday.

    It sounds like you had a pretty busy school holidays. It is sad that there aren't more young people visiting old.
    I see that you will spend lots of time exploring old hobbies and finding new. Enjoy the 'quiet' time during school hours.

    1. Thanks Anne. I will be enjoying my new found freedom x


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