
Monday, November 7, 2016

November garden

It's  hasn't warmed up a hell of lot down South in south Australia. Not like the past years. We are lucky to be getting any temperatures up in to the 20s. 

The flowers are emerging slower than previous years. We're getting there.

All my kids've been born in November. The last two, the girls, while we've been in this house, in 2009 and 2011. 

I've made gardens in every house I've lived in since I was twenty years old. I remember even digging a bed along my mothers driveway and planting Petunias to brighten it up.

My favourite garden memory here has been, when I have come home from hospital with each baby girl, and driving down the driveway to an explosion of roses. The seem to have all come out to welcome our new babies home. Just magical. Those were hot Novembers, with the temps well into the high thirties. 

These white flowers are from a brassica. I think it's a bok choy plant or something like that. I always pick a flower or two to eat, as I walk past. They are edible and I love the taste.

I haven't tasted the flowers from the broad bean plant, I do like the flower though. Plus from the flower a broad bean grows. We all like eating those, straight from the bush.

Charles de Gaulle rose

Cistus 'rock rose'

I love the smell of these mini carnations. Divine.

This is the Harry Wheatcroft rose. I have a soft spot for this one. It's one of the first roses I planted when we built this house. I never thought of myself as a gardener who talks to her plants. But every year when I see this rose flower for the first time in Spring, I always say "Hello Harry!"

Just Joey rose

Statice makes a fantastic dried flower. It lasts for ever in the vase inside too.

Another fantastic fragrant flower. Sweet peas will never fail to send your sense of smell into overdrive. 
Joining Denyse for #lifethisweek


  1. Those roses are beautiful. Especially the lilac one.

  2. What a gorgeous garden you have and what a lovely time of year your daughters were born! Seeing the roses come out each year must remind you of arriving home with your precious daughters. Such a nice association!

    1. Being in awe those days when I arrived home from hospital with them, and seeing the roses all out, that memory will stay with me forever x

  3. These amazing green fingered people. Thank you Alicia for capture such beauty. I can look at flowers till the cows come home. Fabulous photos also.

  4. Wow, wow and more wow. I love that you have been a gardening person since ...well, since! My interest in having flowers and a garden has only really started in my retirement. Still, better late than never! Mum and Dad always had a garden but I think I was put off by the hard work!! I am in awe of your knowledge and skills. The pics are wonderful. Thanks for sharing over at my link up too. A perfect prompt for you!! Denyse xx

    1. I don't mind the hard work, especially when the results are so good. Thinking about it is the hard bit, once I start gardening it's easy from there :)

  5. Oh my goodness, your roses (in fact all of your flowers) are divine. Harry is beautiful, I would love to photograph him! I wish I had the patience for gardening, but much to my mother's distress I've just never taken to it. If I could afford a gardener I would definitely have a garden, as long as I didn't have to look after it, I could just photograph it, lol!

  6. What an amazing garden you've created there Alicia. My mum would be in heaven there, especially with your gorgeous roses. Sadly, I have bad garden karma so no beautiful photos from me, but you can laugh at an old post of mine instead!

    1. I did enjoy reading your post! Your poor hands.
      I wish more people could enjoy my garden too, maybe I should have it open once in a while.

  7. I wish I could grow a garden properly! Your flowers are beautiful! The most I've done is plant a bunch of bulbs one year but they never bloomed so I don't know what's going on. I'm the worst gardener ever lol.

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