
Monday, October 24, 2016

Rivoli wetlands

On the way home from fishing with the kids, much to their dislike (they sit in the car while I take photos by the side of the road), I stopped to shoot the Rivoli wetland and the drain beside it.

I have it said it before (broken record), there has been SO much rain this year and there's water everywhere!

I have taken shots of this area before, at the same of year for comparison. Most definitely more water about this year, and the algae hasn't had time to settle in the flowing waterways.


  1. I love taking comparative photos to show differences over time, especially of our surroundings. Looks like a great place to explore.

  2. The water level is so high! Your Open Slather button is on my sidebar instead of in the post, hope that's ok! Thanks for the linky :)

  3. And you are being the memory maker and the record keeper here! The shots are amazing and there will be one day you will be explaining to the kids as they get older...Thanks for sharing your pics. I totally LOVE the reflection shots!

  4. Wow how gorgeous is this place!! Great shots!

  5. Beautiful images as always. Lovely part of the world you're in. I have to get to SA one of these days!

  6. Gosh, that is a lot of water! And my kids would complain too if I stopped to take photos - maybe it's a kid thing?

  7. There must be a lot of animal life on those wetlands. The ones near Ingham, Nth Qld, have a lot of water also.

  8. That is a lot of water. Thanks for hosting. Have a terrific week!

  9. You got some good photos but I have to tell you I pulled over to take photos last week and got stuck on the side of the road. I was on grass that was wetter than I thought and got so stuck my RAV was tipped almost on its side in a rut a made. Beware. I waited two hours for a tow truck to get me out.


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