
Monday, October 17, 2016

Going nude for back to school

Yay burgers *insert happy dance*, it's back to school in South Australia for Term 4! 

It's all systems go, for the slippery slide towards Christmas. Izzys class is straight into it next week, with a week of swimming lessons. Rehearsal is well underway for the end of year concert for gymnastics too. I'm on the committee this year, so I am going to busy with this as well.

This first day back Nude Food Day, today, the 17th of October. Nude Food Day aims to raise awareness of healthy food choices and reducing waste for a healthier planet.

It's just a normal week for this household though. I've packed Nude Food lunch box since Izzy was in Kindy.

Last year, Isabel was called up to the front of assembly with her lunch box, because for the whole week, she had accumulated NO waste. That means no unnecessary packaging or wrapping.

This benefits in so many ways-
  • Reduces costs of waste removal for the school
  • Creates less pollution by using reusable containers, instead of one time use zip lock bags or wrappings
  • Reduces rubbish for landfill, creating a healthier planet
  • Saves money. Instead of buying individual packets, buy in bulk and use reusable containers
  • healhier lunchboxes = healthier kids.

To acheive this, I use a Nude Food lunch box. It has seperate compartments and containers for food storage, eliminating the need for wrappings.

I buy in bulk packets, like sultanas, biscuits and popcorn for example. I then fill the small containers from the bigger packets, instead of lots of small packets, reducing waste.

I do bake on occassion, and try to add fresh fruits and veggies, like carrot and celery sticks. 

If I add something like a muesli bar, I unwrap it first and then add it to the lunchbox. It's habit. I am weird I know.

What are you doing to reduce waste at your place?


  1. Such a great idea which I know many families already embrace and it's good to see the school encouraging it too!

  2. Gosh I'm so guilty of using zip lock bags and the like. Bad me. Oops. I might need to invest in some of those lunch boxes. They seem to be so expensive, but I guess you ultimately save money on all the sandwich bags and cling wrap etc.

    You sound super busy! It's definitely that time of year. Busy busy busy...

  3. We aren't 100% waste-free, but we do try and use boxes over bags where possible

  4. Working in daycare where kids can bring heat ups I see a fair few 'nude' lunches but I am sure that for some that will change. We never had 'nude' lunches at kids but we also rarely had prepackaged food, it was usually just gladwrap gracing our lunches of a sandwich, homemade cake or biccies and a piece of fruit.

  5. Love this movement, how wonderful! I pack lunches to work most days, and have a great lunchbox with compartments so I don't have much waste. But I could definitely do more at in bulk and put in containers.

  6. We do a unit on reuse, reduce, recycle, in year 4, which helps makes children a bit more aware of considering the environment. We had a year 2 teacher who always did the nude lunches. It is very clever. I have been more proactive instead of being lazy about it.


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