
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Peaking a rosebud- Life this week

This weekend I am sitting here, alone. Yip Yip! I've just picked a fragrant bunch of flowers, told an automated phone survey chick to fug off (after I've hung up of course), and am on my second glass of red. Yip Yip! 

Brett's taken the girls to the holiday house, with a mate and his girls, to get some more work done on the patio. Good luck with that boys. 

I have all day and a glorious night to myself. Don't hurry back now.

After being crook as a dog for the past couple of weeks, this morning I've been to the doctors, on order from my husband. I keep clear of the doctors like cats steer clear of dogs, and wasn't surprised when I was sent on my way with the advice that "it's a virus". The random locum did give me a script for a puffer, which has helped. At least my lungs stay inside my body for another day. 

Speaking of things leaving my body. I was worried I was at that stage where I could just about piss myself with the next cough. Turns out the two brands of cough medicine I had, cautioned a laxative effect, which had me nervous of peaking a rosebud at every cough. 

In other news, last weekend we took Isabel to her second gymnastic competition, in Portland Victoria. She improved on her first competition, receiving a first ribbon this time in parallel bars. So proud. 

We stayed at the Narrawong Top Tourist park, near Portland. It's a peaceful holiday spot surrounded by nature and the sea. 

Our cabin was pretty basic and all we needed for one night. The last time we stayed here was in our caravan when Isabel was about nine months old. Great to revisit when the kids are much older. 


Joining Karin down the rabbit hole

and Denyse


  1. Hahahaha! My God! That You Tube clip was horrifying (I watched some bits with one eye open) but by jove I laughed! Still laughing. Geez woman, choose your cough medicines more wisely now ya hear? Hahaha!

    1. Ha! Ditched the cough medicine for now. The puffer is doing the job :)

  2. Gotta love any opportunity for alone time! Hope you're feeling better! :)

    1. A little better now, thanks. Trouble is, one of the kids came back with gastro, and husband is having a lay down, poor man. Joy...NOT!

  3. Hope that you are feeling better. Thanks for linking up with the Ultimate Rabbit Hole - guest host, Shari from GoodFoodWeek xo

    1. Thank you Shari, feeling a little better. The joints aren't so achy today, the cough is here to stay for now though, bugger it all.

  4. I was concerned you had whooping cough but sounds like that's been ruled out. Coughing really ,really takes it out of you!! My nearly 93 yo dad had been coughing as part of a chest infection recently and now one of his eyes is affected. He's off to the specialist today to see if something can be done to fix what's happened thanks to efforts expended with coughing. Thank YOU for your kind support of my first link up!! I am glad you got some alone time too. It cant be overrated!!

    1. I was quite concerned too! I have heard the cough from th virus I have hangs around for 5-6 weeks, I am over it already, three more weeks of it, I am not looking forward to.

  5. It's nice to get away. Hope you're feeling better xo

    1. Thanks Ness, the aches and pains have gone but the cough is really doing my head in.

  6. Sounds wonderful to have some alone time. My hubby is home for the next few days, diagnosed with shingles for the second time this year ... much as I love him I miss having my own space!

    1. Oh no, a second dose of shingles, that doesn't sound like fun. My gran had shingles last year and it really knocked her about. Hopefully you get your space back quickly ;)

  7. That sounds like an awful virus. A friend in Melbourne has been coughing up a lung for three months. Hopefully you're well and truly on the mend now.

  8. "It's a virus" is so frustrating. Who is 'allowed' to just rest and get over them? I hope yours passes quickly.

  9. How good is an empty house! I barely get out of bed/off the couch. I'm so due another one.


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