
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Life this week....

Who hasn't had a go at Shoebox yet? 

The new way to store and share your memories. It's a lot of fun to create entertaining slideshows of your treasured pics. You can link and pull photos straight from your Facebook or Instagram accounts. It's easy.

I am excited about it because my blogging friend Denyse is starting a new linky on a Monday, called Life this week. This is the perfect way for me to easily share what's been happening, in a neat way. I am practicing for it already!

Her linky will be making it's debut on September 12th. Write it in your blogging calendar!


My sister had a birthday last week. We are the same age for the next two weeks, after which I will turn 44. That number is really uncomfortable to say. I tend to live in denial mostly, and am always having to actually think about how old I am. How did I get here?

I made her a salted caramel chocolate tart. It's based on a Valli Little recipe, called Forest Gump tart, mostly relating to life being like a box of chocolates, hence the Lindt and Ferreros on top.

Summer cut her darn hair, mainly her beautiful fringe. The good thing is that hair grows. Not fast enough.

She had two days of Book Week dress ups, one of those days she insisted on going as Spider Girl, who ever that is. Surely out there somewhere has written her into a book!? I didn't care, she was happy. THAT'S ALL THAT COUNTS....says Mummy's sanity.

Luckily Izzy only had to dress up once. She was happy to be The Little Mermaid, and we have the book! Her best friend went as Ariel too, they were mermaid twins.

We stayed at our holiday house in Pelican Point on the weekend. Sunrise, sunsets, fishing and beach walks. 

What has your week looked like?


  1. My week is MADE! Your kind words and a shout out about my linky is just wonderful. Thank you! I'm posting initially about the first 8 prompts this Sunday (I wanted Kirsty's last Monday on IMC to be a post from me about the prompts from there) and then through the week, probably on Wednesday I'll add a second post with details. The photo of that cake was drool worthy! I cant get over that you are your sister are the same age for a while!! Wow.

  2. Thanks for giving me the heads up about Shoebox. I hadn't heard of it but I love ways of collating memories and even better if it's straight forward and simple to use! Double thanks for the heads up about the new linky as well.

    What's with kids and scissors?? I did it too, for my fourth birthday... chunks gone just in time to see the guests arrive for the celebrations!

  3. Using shoebox looks like a great way to share the details of your week. I'm excited to check out Denyse's linkup too - it will be weird not to be running one myself but I look forward to the freedom of not "needing" to post on a Monday anymore!

  4. The cake looks so delicious!

    I`m following ur blog with a great pleasure via Google+

    Please join me -

  5. I haven't touched Shoebox yet and didn't know what it was until I read your blurb. I saw mention of it in relation to Problogger, but ignored it cos I never win stuff like that and am not motivated / popular enough to win whatever is on offer.... though at least now I kinda know what it is!

  6. I haven't heard of Shoebox but it looks like fun to play with. We had Superhero day at work this week so I had to find something for that. Sometimes, despite how fun it is, it is a real pain.

  7. Oooh, Shoebox looks like it'll be my new little toy! Happy birthday! Look forward to hearing all about it :)

  8. Chopping of the fringe looked like something my brothers did when we were younger. How cute. Yummy looking tart.


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