
Monday, August 29, 2016

Sunrise and sundown

We stayed at our holiday house by the sea over the weekend. Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, with some warmth in it too.

I am always commenting on other people's photos of sunrises, that I wish I was out with the camera at that time of day. I happened to wake up at the right time, squished in between Summer and Izzy in our queen size bed. Brett had vacated, or been kicked out sometime during the night. They were all still asleep, so I snuck out to enjoy the sunrise.

The sun rises at the back of our house and sets(the last three photos) at the front. 

Our little stone house is located away from the beach, thank goodness, because in rough weather those that are on the foreshore end up with seaweed in the front yard!

We have farm land behind us and across the road at the front of the house. There's usually cows in those paddocks. There is a heap of water at the moment from the amount of rain we've had. We are lucky we are up a little higher and the yard is dry. Our neighbours have a huge pond puddle at their front gate!

All my life's a circle
Sunrise and sundown
Moon rolls through the night time
'Til the daybreak comes around.

All my life's a circle
But I can't tell you why
Season's spinning round again
The years keep rollin' by.


  1. Looove these photos Alicia! Absolutely gorgeous :D Some of the best sunrises I saw were in South Australia many moons ago. Since then I've seen more sunsets... each makes my heart sing!♥

  2. The first one of the sun going down is just beautiful!! (they all are, but that's the best)

  3. I love your sunrise photos! Totally glorious!

  4. Just beautiful Alicia! How lucky you are to have a home near the sea.

  5. I so "wanted" to get up for sunrise pics this winter but never did. There is something too warm about the bed then. However, so very glad for you that you took the chance to do this. Magical shots of the sky abound at that time don't they? You have captured these so very beautifully in each and every one!

  6. Such beautiful photos. Makes me wish a) that I wasn't so hopeless with a camera, and b) I was a morning person. It's really calming just looking at these images. Gorgeous.

  7. I'd love to have a holiday house to visit. Love your sunset photos, I feel more relaxed just looking at them!

  8. LOVE the pics! Beautiful :)….
    Thank you for hosting us each week. Hope you have a good one...

  9. I know your photos were about sunrise and sundown, but I really like your barbed wire shot. It brought back lovely memories of my childhood life on the farm, our beautiful house cow, fresh milk, playing in the dirt. I had a very lucky childhood.

  10. I saw this pop into my inbox yesterday and was all googly eyed over the photos when I checked it out! The words 'our little stone house'.... sound like a dream to me. How I'd love a little stone house. Love the poem too. xox


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