
Monday, July 18, 2016

Done and dusted - school holidays week 1

We had a strange first week of holidays. 

Tuesday was as cold as buggery. A top of six degrees for the day, hail and rain. The reverse cycle was working hard that day.

For some reason, maybe because we were confined to the inside of the house, I had the urge to spring clean. For a while I hadn't been bothered doing a thing around the house. All of a sudden I wanted to do stuff, like dust and get rooms ready to paint. I began tearing the wallpaper freeze from the toilet wall, and had the bright idea the kids would like to finish what they had slowly but surely been doing, for the last couple of years. Peeling bits of it off. They loved it and had it finished it no time. 

Mum gave me this polar fleece, she had been intending to make Gran a dressing gown. She thought better of it (because, sewing) and gave it to me. We made a knot blanket with it. Izzy helped at the start and at the end, lost interest in middle, so more or less, I made a knot blanket.  'Soft' - #fmy52weeksofmemories

Isabel reveled in collecting hail from the trampoline, much to my dismay. She kept in the freezer to for later, when her friend from next door came to play. Kids feel cold so differently. Bugger that shit. I was frozen.

Later in the week, we headed to Adelaide. We drove four and a half hours and the kids were swimming outdoors, in a heated pool before dinner! Who would have thought.

This was before the snot had started pouring out of her face.

The jumping pillow was a hit.

We had a gorgeous couple of days in Adelaide, blue skies and sunshine. It was awesome. We went shopping and silly me didn't buy a single thing for myself. It didn't really bother me either! I sure knew though, when the kids had enough of traipsing around, it was time to go! 

Brett doesn't get it though. He could have kept going and was oblivious to the fact that the kids were playing up because they were tired, and hungry.  He only sees naughty kids, and not good kids that need a break. He gets narky at me because the kids are being shits, so I have double barrels pointing at me while trying to keep my cool for everybody. It's bloody exhausting!

I should have bought something for me.

The whole purpose of our trip to Adelaide was so Izzy could compete in the Gymnastic SA country championships.

She did well, I was so proud. She earned a silver ribbon in vault, and three bronzes for floor, beam and bars.

I am looking forward to this coming week with a few days of sleeping in and relaxing again before we are off to the snow this weekend coming.  After that? We ain't going anywhere for the rest of the year!


  1. Sounds like a productive and fun first week. I'm sure the second week will be even more awesome. Looking forward to snow pics but I'm not envious at all as I'm not a fan of the cold. Now if you were going to Cairns or Hawaii, it'd be a whole different story! ;)

    1. Hoping this week will be a slow one before travelling again. Most definitely making next years holidays to a warm destination, like Queensland!

  2. We've still got one day of school holidays to go - my kids' schools are both having pupil free days today but then things go back to normal tomorrow.

    Congratulations to Izzy for doing so well in gymnastics.

    1. Was so proud watching her. I was worried she would be nervous, but she handled it like a pro. It was her first and it gave her a confidence boost for her future gym comps.

  3. Don't you love it when you can swim outdoors in winter? It's like you're stealing something, or getting away with something special....we did it in the Hunter - it's the best feeling!!

    1. It was like Christmas!! It did feel weird though and by three o'clock the cold had rolled in and it was time to get out.

  4. I really like your blanket you made. So exciting when your kids win ribbons and medals too.
    I always forget to buy myself things when I am out but make up for it later by shopping online!

    1. Easiest way to make a blanket with polar fleece. No sewing and are so soft, warm and cosy.

  5. Sounds like a nice little break, hope you got yourself some wine at least!!! Well done of gym results. x

    1. I made a most deliberate and concentrated beeline for the BWS in the shopping centre before we left. A woman on a mission!

  6. Sounds pretty cold. Thanks for hosting.
    Cheers, Damo

    1. Thanks for coming back to join in #openslather Damo :)

  7. Thank goodness for Adelaide and it's more cheery weather. Sounds like a good escape and a rewarding one too! x

  8. Congratulations to your daughter! As for not buying yourself something..naughty! Make up for it on-line. Go you for your art on ICAD. It's such fun seeing what you come up with !!

  9. Yay for Isabel! Enjoy rest of your holidays!

  10. Getting the kids to finish what they started was a great idea. It looks like you've been enjoying the holidays. You are right about kids behaviour and tiredness. Well done to your daughter on the Gymnastics! Enjoy the snow.


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