
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

ICAD 2016 - week 3

ICAD #15 Bouquet
I cut out flowers from some fabric I had lurking in my junk box. It's a hat box I keep bits and pieces in. The fabric was a cot quilt panel I never got round to using. I sewed buttons on from my jar of buttons, which also lives in the hat box. Every time I get that spare button from garments I've bought, it goes in there.

ICAD #16 Wallpaper
Hubby has a rag bag in the shed, he bought from Lifeline. I had a rifle through and found this flannelette piece of fabric. It kind of reminded me of wallpaper. I decorated a wooden tile to make it look like the corner of a painting on the wall.

ICAD #17 Landscape
I did this the day after it was supposed to be done, with colour pencils. It's a view from my sister in law's house, or my dodgy interpretation!

ICAD #18 Orange
Not quite an orange, but the right colour, and a close cousin. I did this one straight after the landscape prompt. Coloured pencils.

ICAD #19 Snowflake
Another scrap of fabric out of my junk box. It would be wonderful to have a pair of scissors in my house that actually cuts fabric well. I did this from memories of making snowflakes at school by cutting paper. 

ICAD #20 1960s

Water colour, crayon, sharpies and pencil. Groovy baby.

ICAD #21
This was an invent your own theme. I was inspired by my bowl of soup for lunch. All I had in my stash was shades of blue in my cross stitch thread stash, Yes, I have all sorts in my junk box!


  1. Very cool Alicia. And I read your soup recipe the other day and once I stop eating like a Syrian Refugee I am so making that bad boy! xx

  2. So creative. I like peeking into the ICAD art.
    Thank you for linking up.

  3. I must visit more often..I love seeing your cards too. I catch up with them in the fast lane of Fb or IG but its great to see them here and with your stories behind them. Awesome. Tammy is offering bloggers a link up this week if you'd like to post one of your blog posts about ICAD. I'm doing mine after Sat post goes live for me. See you back at ICAD!

  4. Great to see your ICADS I love your embroidered soup one. I'm impressed you're following the prompts, I can never think of anything and go off my own sweet way!

  5. So cute. I especially like the fabric flower card. I want to experiment more with combining paper & cloth.

    Happy ICADing!


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