
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

ICAD 2016 Week 1

I am a visual person. I like the visual arts and I like to be creative. 

Last year when Denyse shared her ICAD art, I was inspired. This year I bit the bullet, found some index cards (which was a little harder than I first thought), and got really excited to start.

Every day for the months of June and July, I create something on an index card. So do heaps of other people. I've joined the ICAD facebook group and I get to see everyone's different takes on the prompts or their off-prompt creations.

Here's my first seven days. I am enjoying this challenge and have used the prompts provided so far. I don't have to hurt my brain too hard thinking of something to create.

Everyone else was making a title card for the project, so why not?  :)

ICAD #1 mix tape
water colour, sharpie and biro.

Using this photo for  #fmy52weeksofmemories for last week which was 'name'. I am pretty sure this is
what I probably wrote on my tapes so my siblings didn't get any big ideas. I remember having VHS tapes with the top 40 recorded from RAGE on the ABC. If one of them taped over my music it was the
end of the world! 

ICAD #2 pyramid
Torn printed paper, torn sandpaper, water colour and crayon. I used the smallest pair of scissors I own,
a pair of nail scissors to cut out the camels. They came in handy for something, I don't use them on my nails!

ICAD #3 Snoopy
I drew this in pencil first and then went over it with a fine line felt tip pen.
It took me a few goes to get Woodstock right from the erasing lines that are visible.

ICAD #4 typewriter
Water colour, sharpie border and printed stuff from the net. I printed out the words,
then cut them up and bordered them with a sharpie.

ICAD #5 cloud
Water colour, wool and printed words cut and pasted

ICAD #6 Top ten list
Real red wine stains, coloured sharpies and numbers cut and pasted from the May
issue of Woolworths Fresh magazine. I really did run over the kid next door's bike that day!
ICAD #7 Pinball or bowling
Wood print, pencil drawn ball and pins, black fine line felt pen


  1. I am so impressed - I can't commit to another project but I'll enjoy being a spectator.
    Ps The wine list is ace.
    What wine goes with 4th grade homework ?....
    answer by Jess ,,All of them

  2. Well aren't you a clever little cookie. They look great. Enjoy the challenge!!

  3. I love these! Snoopy, the typewriter and pyramids are my faves. I so wish I had the time to get involved in this one. It looks like so much fun

  4. I love these! Snoopy, the typewriter and pyramids are my faves. I so wish I had the time to get involved in this one. It looks like so much fun

  5. Aren't you just a clever clogs - wow - keep it up I bet it's great for your mental health xx

  6. You have such a talent and dry sense of humour. The cloud one gave me a giggle! :)

  7. Oh.... the one about negative people and the clouds!! Hehehe!! Love it. And I've found another great creative blog to follow. Thank you. :)


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