
Monday, May 9, 2016

Bonnie's camping hotdogs

While camping recently, we all took turns cooking for everyone else. We ate pretty well over the three days!

The first night Margi made a delicious camp oven apricot chicken and Brett and I cooked chicken and lamb in the weber on Friday night for dinner.

Bonnie and Ben were responsible for lunch on Friday and made damper hotdogs on the campfire. Bonnie did good, they hit the spot after a morning of rain.

6 hotdogs
2 cups SR Flour
30 grams butter or margarine
3/4 cup buttermilk
1 egg, lightly beaten

Rub butter into flour with fingertips until it resembles breadcrumbs. Pour in milk and mix until you have a soft dough.

Divide dough into six portions. On a floured surface, roll each portion into a rectangle. Place hotdog and one end of the rectangle and then roll up to encase the hotdog. Brush dough with egg.

Place onto a hotplate over camp fire, turning several times to cook dough.

Enjoy with some tomato sauce.

To change this recipe up a bit, you could
  • add a little cheese to the dough
  • spread some caramelised onion on dough before wrapping hotdog
  • spread a little mustard on the dough before you wrap the hotdog
  • lay some bacon on the dough before wrapping hotdog
  • instead of a hotdog, use a cheese kransky or kabana sticks


  1. Like the idea of the damper 'holder' - could you do it with a normal sausage?

    1. The hotdogs are already 'cooked' so I guess you could with a sausage that is already cooked.

  2. Your camp set-up really looks like a home away from home!
    I don't eat hot dogs (or pork) however I can see these being very popular with my kids. Might have to try.

    1. Taking the marquee was a brilliant idea, we had our 'kitchen' under cover and it gave us somewhere to sit out of the rain.

  3. Sounds like you ate well! Much better than what I remember my childhood camping meals being.

  4. You took me back to the good old days Alicia! So much fun ♥

  5. I love creative foods when cooking. Anything that can be cooked on a BBQ is perfect

  6. I'm not usually a fan of hotdogs {except when I was pregnant} but those ones sound really good. You guys clearly do much fancier camping than I've ever done ;)

  7. What a great idea and you certainly did have a good old time on that camping trip! Happy Mother's Day for yesterday Alicia. Denyse x

    1. Oh thank you Denyse. I hope you had a lovely day too x

  8. What a cool set up you have there! I could warm to the idea if we have shelter. I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day x

  9. Those hot dogs look so good Alicia. I must try them. Thanks so much for the party.

    Anne @ Domesblissity xx

  10. When we go camping with friends we take turns cooking as well. We certainly eat well! I love how creative you can get and these hot dogs look great! And a good one for the kids x

  11. I thought they might be in a scone like 'wrapping'. It is a great idea, especially for the kids. Your meals sound delicious. We don't often go camping long and usually eat steak and sausages but I've made all kids of food on Guide camps from nachos to foil dinners.

  12. Seriously impressed with the idea that you can make something as complex as Apricot Chicken on a camp set up- bit beyond my skills, instant noodles or soup and beans are about my limit usually! The damper hot dogs look really great- practical as well. Bet the caramelised onion version will be stunning - perfect campfire food.

    Andrea Wilkins @ Getaway Outdoors


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