
Monday, May 2, 2016

A weekend camping

Fun - #fmy52weeksofmemories

Thursday of last week we set off on a family camping trip. We camped in Victoria, just over the South Aussie border at McLennan's Punt campsite, on the Glenelg river.

The weather wasn't that kind to us, but we did manage a whole day with sunshiny skies and NO rain.

Despite our weather woes it was fun. The kids had a great time, although Summer woke up the first morning saying she was excited to go home.

There was no phone service, the break from it was nice. The girls played games, me too. They fished, laughed, ran, jumped and were introduced to geocaching by their cousin. They loved 'treasure hunting' and want to do more. Which ultimately means I will be learning how to do it. The nagging started yesterday as soon as we arrived home, to go and find some treasure.

What was not much fun, was packing up in the rain and coming home to the washing. To describe it as a mountain would be an understatement.

It was heaven sleeping in my own bed.

It'll be a while before we go again!


  1. I love the hula girl by the jetty - that's a fab shot!!

  2. Brave lady! I am too scared to go camping. 6 kids running around would do my head in. I don't think my lot would survive without their precious tech. Good luck with the washing mound!!

    1. Everything is now washed! Getting it dry is another thing.

  3. I don't mind camping in the rain, as long as it's done by the time we pack up (but it usually isn't!)

    looks like a lovely weekend away!

  4. Now this wasn't exactly the break you were envisaging in your last post is it? I can certainly relate to THE HARD WORK of camping. It's exhausting and ugh! The washing! Takes me a week or two to catch up after camping but, isn't it nice to see the kids being old fashioned kids using their creativity and enjoying the outdoors isn't it? It's all good memory making that will be filed away even if you do need a while in between camping trips :) xxx

    1. No not the break away I need for me. The washing is currently trying hard to dry, the weather does not help. The tent however is still rolled up and needs an airing! Great to make memories in the great outdoors :)

  5. Camping is one of the only times I seem to relax and take the pressure off myself. But I must admit I am not a fan of the rain.

  6. I love getting away like that with the forced hiatus from the online world. It is a shame about the weather but I'm glad you enjoyed it all the same. The packing up and cleaning up after camping is yuck and I always love a nice hot shower when I get home. Lovely photos from your camping trip. Those sitting in the chairs by the fire certainly have the right spot.

  7. Camping and rain would not be up there for me but my your pics make it look beautiful. What a great spot!!

  8. What a fun trip! I can hardly wait to take the family camping again. However, with newborn, we'll have to wait at least a little longer. Rain too--what an adventure!

  9. What a gorgeous spot you found to camp! There's nothing like getting out in nature and leaving the busyness of every day life behind you. Rain or sunshine, it's back to basics and being at one with family, friends and the environment... and you have beautiful memories captured on film Alicia! Thanks for sharing ♥

  10. You sure do have some wonderful places and spaces that you've shared here. I am so 'not' a camper but from these pics I can see you have made great family memories. Thanks for your link up Alicia. I know I am a bit late this week! Denyse

  11. My kids love camping too and we do try to get outdoors and explore new places together for camping in the holidays. Great way to keep them busy and get them active rather than staring at a screen! I love the BBQ food and lazy days, but packing up in the rain is the worst, and don't even get me started on the piles of washing afterwards!


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