
Monday, March 28, 2016

Listen #fmy52weeksofmemories

Last Tuesday night the girls laid out the picnic rugs in the driveway, and turned the car radio on loud. I sat on a chair and was ordered to watch the performance.

It was all a bit much to listen to with the dog yapping at all of us as well. In the end something had to give, and it was the radio. It was easier to shut up than the dog.


  1. Your girls are so lovely and I ADORE that they put performances on for you! x

  2. My daughter used to love putting on performances for me too! We never had one in our driveway however!

  3. Great photo's my girl has just started performances and they are so cute

  4. I loved that set of pics and the story behind them. It's been a long, long time since we watched 'concerts' or 'performances' like that and they mean so much to the kids! Denyse

  5. What beautiful pictures. Nothing wrong with a performance. I had my 16 year show me how she dances to HSM tonight.. lol

  6. You got some great pictures amid the chaos! Made me laugh when you said you had to turn off the radio since you couldn't shut up the dog :)

  7. How gorgeous watching your daughter's performance. I can understand re: the noise factor! I had a chuckle. Beautiful photos :) xx

  8. How gorgeous! I am sure it was quite the performance!


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