
Monday, February 22, 2016

Roasted pumpkin and capsicum couscous salad

Cous cous is something I forget I have in the pantry. It gets pushed to the back, but I am always glad to see it when I go looking hard enough. It's like finding a long lost friend. I fondly speak to it, "Oh cous cous. Hello. Where have you been?". Yes I am a weirdo.

Here's what I did with my long lost friend. This salad is great warm or cold.

1 cup couscous
1/4 of a butternut pumpkin, diced
1 capsicum, chopped into large dice ( I used a bit of yellow, red and green)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 cup sliced black olives
1/4 preserved lemon, finely sliced
A few finely sliced mint leaves

Place pumpkin and capsicum on a baking tray. Drizzle olive oil over and sprinkle with salt. Bake in a 180 degree oven for 15-20 minutes.

Put a cup of cous cous in a large heatproof jug. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the cous cous and leave for five minutes.

Stir the cous cous to break it up. Add in the pumpkin, capsicum, olives, preserved lemon, mint and stir to combine.


  1. I tend to go through phases with cous cous where I use it regularly and then forget about it too! Great recipe, I think I'm about to enter another regular cous cous phase!

  2. I too had forgotten all about cous cous until I found three packs in my pantry a couple of weeks ago. This stuff is the absolute best for whipping up a meal in minutes.

  3. I am so glad you found your cous cous and made this. It looks so yummy with those veggies. I will give this a go. When we moved house the cous cous got chucked so time for a new pack. Thanks Alicia!

  4. Two of my all time favourite things - roast pumpkin and couscous.

  5. Wouldn't mind that right now. No blog post from me this week. I'm still struggling to find my feet and office in the new house and blogging hasn't exactly been a huge priority. Hopefully that will change soon.

  6. I never particularly like couscous much when I tried it before, but the addition of the olives, mint and lemon does sound good.

  7. YUMMO - I can't wait til my kids are older and enjoy these things xx

  8. Yum! It looks delicious. Thanks for hosting another great linkup too :)

  9. You're so funny Alicia! This looks delicious.
    Thanks for hosting..wishing you a lovely week :)

  10. I love roast pumpkin in a salad!! Yummo!


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