
Friday, January 15, 2016

Weather #fmy52weeksofmemories

Sunday saw us head to Southend. Brett launched the boat and took Izzy out fishing. She caught two flathead, outfishing her Dad, and had a great time. Nothing made me happier and more proud seeing her ride in, sitting up on the bow.

Summer and I hung out on the beach. Summer exploring, and I taking too many photos, if there is such a thing.

The tide was out and gave us the opportunity to walk out on the reef. This was something new for the girls, it was awesome to experience it with them. I was nervous with my camera out there and chose my footing carefully!

It was pretty overcast all day, with a little late rain in the afternoon. After the rain, the clouds disappeared. By the time the sun was out in the blue sky, we were on our way home. It was considerably warmer in town. We really had four seasons in one day.



  1. What gorgeous pics! I think it's so funny how everyone thinks it's always sunny in Australia but even in summer, we can have four seasons in one day!

  2. Looks like you're having a nice summer holidays, rain or not!


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