
Friday, January 22, 2016

Reflection #fmy52weeksofmemories

I had the perfect opportunity earlier in the week to capture a photo for this prompt. Both the girls had a hair appointment. It wasn't until later that day I was berating myself for not being more switched on. I am an idiot. So my aim for the rest of this amazing challenge Toni has created, is to be more aware of what is happening and how it relates to the word for the week.

So here is a photo of the girls and their new haircuts, NOT taken in the reflection of a hairdressers' mirror! Doh!

Isabel loves styling her own hair so she just had a trim to keep her lovely locks. Summer had about 4 inches off and is now for the first time sporting a fringe. Her hair was always hanging in her face, and she was forever trying to look through her straggly hair. She has that type of hair that doesn't hold bands or clippies well.

Isabel commented as Summer was having her hair cut, "It doesn't look like Summer anymore". Let me assure you it is still our spirited Summer!

By no means luckily, I accidently tapped, and I mean tapped my NEW oven door with a casserole dish and the front glass shattered into a million pieces. The glass that is left in the door is just like a mirror. So I bring you my broken oven door with a reflection of me. The kids had all sorts of fun this morning, and giggles, realising the face contortions the mirror made when they kneeled in front of it.

The kids were giving the absolute shits at the moment it happened, and I am mindful now that shitcracking coincides with shattering glass. I am sure the glass would have exploded whether I was refereeing the kids fighting or not.

To add insult to injury, not long after the drama with the oven I turned the bore pump on and  nothing. It was buggered. So I couldn't water my garden either. Thankfully it rained overnight. I went to the Mount yesterday only to come home without one, too expensive or out of stock. Fuck.

I couldn't help but get all down and negative about wasting my time. It wasn't a waste of time, Masters will have one in stock on Monday. I was worried then, about being longer than the two hours I told my friend I was going to be, when I left Izzy for her play date.

I had to tell myself, it is what it is. Hurrying and getting stressed about it wasn't going to help, and it wasn't going to get me home any quicker. I just had to chill with the reality that I did my best.

So I guess Monday, Brett can pick up the new pump after work, and the oven company has already organised a replacement door for my stove. All is good in the my world, I guess I just had to have that hiccup to keep me on my already stressed toes.



  1. I know so many people who have had ovens smash sometimes even spontaneously. Seems to be a common thing. Thankgod it hasn't happened to me I'd probably have a heart attack.

    I love that I'm sending reminders out this year because it helps me keep the weeks word in mind too so I look for opportunities instead of forgetting until the end of the week :)

    1. I will have to check I am signed up, I am sure I did! Great idea to do reminders :)

  2. Beautiful photos!
    Love reading this xxx

  3. Beautiful photos!
    Love reading this xxx

  4. Life's little dramas just keep us on our toes, I have had a few this week myself. But now as you appear to be finding it is all falling into place - "What was all that stress for?" I ask myself.

    1. I am constantly reminding myself not to stress, because exactly it doesn't help, and in the long run, it's really not that bad. I just hope we get some more rain haha

  5. I guess life wouldn't be life without those little things to keep us on our toes. Our ensuite toilet has shit itself (pardon the pun) and we have to replace the whole thing (pan and cistern). The ensuite has cream tiles and we have to put in a white toilet! Its doing my head in!


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