
Friday, January 29, 2016

BeB the sign painter

My place in time #51 - Someone outside your family/group of friends that you would miss if they were gone.

Millicent has it's own fantastically talented sign painter. His name is Ken. Ken Bebbington. 

As long as I can remember he has been adding his unique art works to the windows about town. I plucked up the courage and bailed Ken up outside the x-lotto shop earlier in the week, where he had just finished his latest work. He tells me he's been doing this for 30 years. That's a lot of Christmases! I cannot imagine a time without his special brand of talent adorning the windows of local businesses.

I explained the local history project I was doing and he kindly let me take his photo. I hope he didn't think I was too much of a weirdo. I had to talk myself into approaching him in the first place, but was glad I got over my fears and just did it.

I've often see him walking about town, going about his business, with a bag, and sometimes a ladder. He is a real talent and treasure to our town, and now when I pass him I can say "G'day Ken!".

When I was a teenager I had the bright idea of asking to be his apprentice ( I fancied myself of a bit of an artist). Well I never did ask him, and he is still doing what he does best and seems to be enjoying too!


  1. Yes, Ken has been around forever! He's almost like our own neat, graffiti artist, eh? He leaves his mark everywhere! :)

    1. Aren't we just privileged to have him Joolz? How boring our town would be without that uniqueness :)

  2. That's lovely! And doing it for 30 years!!! Ken obviously loves doing what he does.


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