
Monday, November 16, 2015

Time flies when you're having fun.....

Time does fly when you're having fun. Or life is so batshit cray cray that you are just peddling like crazy to stay above water. So much has been happening lately, I have dedicated a complete lined book to list and cross everything off as it comes, to stay on top of it all.

Mostly it's kept me on top of things although I forgot to make fairy bread for the kids joint birthday party over the weekend, but it didn't matter. There was shitloads of food. We are still eating left overs.

Better to have too much, than not enough. Last year we ran out of party pies, husband was mortified. This year he was mortified that there was about twenty kids in attendance. It was what most were referring to as a class party, which more or less it was.

As most of the kids from Izzys class were invited, mind you mostly the same kids that have been at parties all year, I decided to invite the whole lot. Why the fuck not?

My conscious got the better of me, and I thought that some of the kids in her class had more than likely not been to a party all year. I am all about inclusion and being non discriminative. All kids are precious and deserve to be included.

It's something I want to instill in my kids. To welcome and have tolerance for all types of people, no matter where they sit on the ladder of life. All preconceptions are left at the letter box, until proven otherwise. Geez it felt good.

It was as crazy as all hell. Kids all over the shop. The two hours went by so quickly, helped along by a game of pin the tail on the donkey, pin the tail on the mermaid, and an ingeniously timed game of limbo (surprisingly initiated by the husband), it all went amazingly well.

Brett set the shed up as a disco, with lights and all. We were all buggered at the end of the day, and the day after, but it was memorable for all of us. Lucky we had great friends who took fab photos and helped out with games. It was a lot of organisation and preparing, by me, which didn't go unnoticed by the hubby at the end of the day, which was nice.

I hardly stood still all day, except for lighting the candles and singing the birthday songs, then it was on like donkey kong, dishing up cake. You might as well have called me Jesus. Whipping cake out of my arse to the masses. It is written. One day, you mark this down as legend, in two thousand years, people will be talking about this party and my saintly, almost godly endeavours to entertain a class of boisterous kids with only my wits and an oven full of pastry goods.

Of course I kid, but by god did I turn cordial and party bags into wine that night!


  1. Your girl looks so happy! Good effort and great cake!

  2. That cake's impressive!! There's nothing like thee collapse at the end of a kids party....There so little yet SO much work!

  3. What a great looking cake! You've created such lovely memories for your girls! After hosting a kids party I always have even more admiration for teachers!

  4. Love your values and the cake Alicia! Helpful friends are a must too... saves us juggling. A refreshing post that took me back to when my sons were younger... thank you♥

  5. Wow, sounds like a massive party! I flipped out over having 10 kids at our last one, you're a rock star to cope with all those tiny terrors haha!!

  6. As a teacher who has seen the heartache in a child's eyes who has not been invited to a birthday party when invitations are given out at school I applaud you for inviting all! I know that it has caused some trouble in schools, so much so that some schools have a 'birthday invitation policy'! How sad that it has to come to that but how wonderful are you and what a great lesson you are teaching your girl!!

  7. Looks like a fabulous party. Things are rather cray around here at the moment too. I'm hoping after my daughter's surgery next Monday that things will settle down and there will be less treading water.

  8. Looks like it was a great party! Well done hosting that many kids, I don't know if I could handle that!

  9. So cool that you had everyone at the party! Yes it's exhausting but what a hit you had! Great party -- even minus FBread!!

  10. I'm not very good at kids parties so every little thing you done, is 10x more than me...

  11. When I did bub's first birthday party it was such a mammoth effort {so big that I didn't bother giving her a 2nd birthday lol}. I can imagine how crazy it would be with 20 kids, we had 12 at ours and that was a lot {we invited 20 but 8 couldn't come which in hindsight wasn't a bad thing}. Good on you for including everyone too! That's a great message to teach the girls.

  12. Wow that's a great effort...your daughter looks so happy! And that cake looks yum. I'm craving cake now.

  13. Ah I remember the days of being invited to everyone's party but then I did have a pretty small group I went through school with. I think there were only 10 or so of us by year 7. I only had a couple of parties for my birthdays. They weren't something our family really did and my birthday was in school holidays when everyone was away anyway. Those cakes look wonderful and that wine sounds well deserved. That looks like a great party.

  14. My days of organising children's birthday parties are long behind me but I do have some great memories.


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