
Monday, November 9, 2015

A lesson in backing myself and not being a worry wort

Thursday started out OK. It was show entry drop off day. It should have been easy, but a few spanners got chucked in the works, and it turned out a little stressful. Not too bad, we got there in the end.

Summer entered five things in the kindy section, and ended up with three firsts. Her decorated biscuits, her craft work and her vase of flowers. Proud mumma. She ended up with the most points and won a colour-in book pack, and six dollars, which was swiftly spent as Woolies on Shopkins.

Isabel entered a couple of photos, a potted cactus, some flowers, a painting and drawing. She won firsts for her sweet peas, her white flowers and her cactus. The photo of her sister (pictured below) came first! Awesome!

I wasn't expecting to do as well as I did. It came as a bit of a shock. Well, when Mum told me I had won the best bloom of the show with one of my Irises, my immediate reaction was one of those amazed and drawn out "Fuck off"s. It was a nice shock.

I had an attack of the sads on Wednesday, thinking I shouldn't have entered the Iris section, as mine were a bit shit. I almost didn't take them in either.

Anyway it just goes to show, I should have been backing myself, instead of second guessing and thinking I couldn't do it. I did, and I have a pretty green and gold sash too!! It pays to have a go, even though my head was telling me I wasn't good enough. Good things can happen.

I also won a first for purple flowers, and my mixed rose arrangement, which is alright considering I had no idea what I was doing!

I didn't do too badly in the photography section, and was surprised at the photos that did actually get prizes. These are just some.
First place - B&W wildlife or animal study
First prize - Action or motion

First prize - child study

First prize - birds
First prize - B&W people or portrait. Crazy. It's just the photo I have as my laptop screensaver!
Second prize - A touch of blue

I won firsts for everything I entered into the garden produce section, taking out the overall points. Yee hah! Overall, we all had a pretty good darn show! Pumped for next year!

Now that the annual show is out the way. Today is Summer's birthday, and Izzy's on Wednesday. I have a joint birthday party to organise for the weekend!


  1. Congrats - that so wonderful - and you should be backing yourself 100%!! Glad your daughter won too - how exciting for her. What a talented bunch you are!

    1. It was a nice surprise to pick up a few wins. Great for the kids too. We did alright :)

  2. Congratulations on your family's success at the show!

    1. Thanks Ingrid. It pays to have a go. Just have to stress less about it next year!

  3. Crazy excitement! Well done!!!! Great images!

  4. Wow congrats to you. Backing yourself when you think you are still learning is hard - but the only way to learn.

  5. learning to back yourself is actually pretty hard to do, so go you for trusting your gut, and congrats on the wins!

  6. I've always enjoyed your photography. These are beautiful photos. Congratulations!

  7. Oh yay! I love this side of shows. I used to enter cakes, cows and embroadary as a kid! You aced it lady! We'll done. I didn't realise you had this kinky happening. I might just have to join in x

  8. Must be a lovely feeling to be recognised in such a way, congrats lovely! Happy birthday to your gorgeous girls and all the best getting things done! xx

  9. Wow your family certainly aced it at the show, great effort to everyone

  10. Congratulations! What a talented and creative bunch you are. Happy birthday to your girls. Enjoy the celebration xo

  11. Wow, what a fantastic result. Happy birthday to your girls.

  12. You definitely should back yourself more, but then shouldn't we all. Congratulations! You did so well at the show. Your photos are lovely and definitely deserved the prizes. That is the beauty of local shows, you never know what will win because it is so much up to the judges and what they like and often the judges change every year. So give yourself a pat on the back, you did well. Have fun with the party organising and happy birthday to your girls. Also, well done to them on their show prizes. Have a great week!

  13. Yay how awesome for you Alicia! And how great for the girls to have wins too. Its always refreshing to be proven wrong when you doubt yourself {I do it myself far too often so don't worry you're not alone}.

  14. Wow, I'd call that a very successful show! I didnt go at all, now I wish I did. I got a few prizes last year but just couldnt be stuffed entering anything this year. Very slack! I saw you out walking the other evening, good onya, once again, I'm so slack!

    1. I didn't enter anything last year. I was much the same and couldn't be stuffed. Will definitely do it again this year. I am enjoying my walks after dinner. Some days I really need to just escape out the back door! Not getting out as much as I'd like, but happy that I have lost a bit of weight. Have to keep it up.

  15. Congratulations! That's fantastic. I've always loved the photos you share and now there's even more proof for you that they are awesome. You really should back yourself a whole lot more!

    1. Aw thanks Sanch. Sometimes I listen to that doubtful voice in my head too often. Getting better at kicking it to the kerb!

  16. Totally gorgeous Alicia! It feels good to have some wins... gives you a lift when you don't 'feel good enough'. You're doing an awesome job of changing that negative belief into a positive life-affirming one. Congrats and good luck for next years entries... I'm getting in early! ♥


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