
Monday, October 5, 2015

The one thing that is helping me along right now

We are being blessed with amazing weather this long weekend.

Yesterday we spent all day at nearby Southend, on the beach with friends. Brett put the boat in and did a spot of fishing.

The kids had an awesome day. Summer collected shells in her plastic bucket and Isabel played in the surf with the boy next door.

I applied sunscreen like a mad woman. At the end of the day, we were sunburn free, but sand was stuck to our skin, mixed in with sunscreen. There's no avoiding the sand.

It was baths and showers all round when we got home, and a load of washing to finish of our beach day.

I don't know where the kids find their energy. They still had plenty, but I was knackered. The warm weather does it. I am not complaining, I am loving the warmer days.

There's something else I am loving and that is my Write to Heal Signature Blend Oil. I bought and received it eight weeks ago and have used it almost every day. I love the scent, and I love the way I feel when I wear it.

It contains twelve essential oils, all beautiful. Being a gardener and in love with nature, I love all the scents that make up this blend. All I need do is take in it's scent and my stresses ease, so I am finding it fantastic to de-stress.

It is a pulse point oil and comes as a roll on. I apply it to my temples, my wrists and inner elbows. You only need a little and in eight weeks I have hardly put a dent in it. There's heaps left.

I have found my creativity has increased, and I have a new found yearning to learn. I've always had that yearning.  As a kid I loved to research and soak up knowledge. Using this oil has helped me discover it again as an adult. It got lost somewhere as I grew up, and life got in the way. I've started learning Spanish, and am really enjoying it!

I wasn't asked to review this oil blend. I love it so much I had to share how fabulous it is. I don't know much about the Chakras and all that stuff, but this oil has given me so much clarity of mind. It's given me confidence in my creativity and brought back my childhood thirst for learning.

I would totally recommend this if you feel 'stuck' in your life. If you need some inspiration, a boost to your creativity or some clarity. It has really helped me.


  1. It's been perfect outdoor weather this long weekend hasn't it! I hope your hubby had good luck with his fishing! I miss the pre-kids days when my husband and I used to go out fishing on a regular basis and have fresh fish for dinner!

    1. He caught one flathead. he had to throw some back, too small. At least he got something. The weather was awesome :)

  2. I spent the long weekend in bed with a virus! Missed all the gorgeous weather. Still, nice rest! I love your kids' names Alicia!
    I use an oil similar to this one called Meditation Balm by Dynamo House. It's beautiful and I have been buying it for years. It has 12 essential oils and smells gorgeous. I think you would love this one too. X

    1. Oh no. I hope you're better now. I will look at the Meditation Balm :)

    2. Now that I have googled it, I know what you are talking about now. I haven't seen these products for ages. The local shop that sold it here closed down a few years ago.

  3. We spent the long weekend chilling with friends and family. Loved every minute of it but now its Monday and back to the crap.

    1. We had the public holiday Monday. All the days since have been out of whack, have had to check what the actual day was.

  4. Wow - interesting you found your creativity increased (I'm a little tempted to try it now). I use pulse point oils, but just as perfume, I didn't really think they did anything...there you go!

  5. I'm loving the warmer weather now. We've been to the beach a few times already and I can see a lot of summer will be spent there.

  6. Oh my gracious Alicia! Your complimentary words about the Write to Heal Signature Blend was such a surprise... I had tears reading what you wrote... thank you for sharing your experience. Attempting to sell a product as a sole trader is such a huge learning curve, especially when I've not done anything like this before.

    I went on to read the comments from your readers... I wasn't aware there was a meditation balm with 12 essential oils so I looked it up. I realised then that I use that brand in a soap... it is lovely, yet it is has a very different purpose to what I have created. The meditation balm is for meditating and the Write to Heal Signature Blend is for creativity and releasing stuck energy.

    The weather has warmed up quickly! It was a stunning weekend to attain some vitamin D :)

    Thank you so much for taking a chance on the Write to Heal blend. I'm thrilled you are finding it beneficial ... this is what I intended it to be ♥

  7. Loving the weather this weekend! So good. I love the name of the oil...Write to Heal. :)

    1. Hi Sanch, the name of the oil has two meanings... it's your 'right' to heal and you can 'write' to heal. Blessings♥

  8. we're on the hunt for a beach shade, so we can spend even more time at the beach, it's so much fun but the sun is so strong already this season!

    1. I did us all three time while we were there. The last thing I want when I get home is tired, hot sunburnt kids x Our friends have a Coleman event 14, great for big families and easy to set up :)

  9. How good has the weather been?! We spent the day on Cockatoo Island on Saturday and it was so much fun. I've got a post with "proper" photos scheduled for a couple of weeks time, but today I just wanted to share the feeling of that day and spending it with my family. Happy Long Weekend!

  10. I'm loving the weather at the moment too. Although, haven't been able to get out into the garden as I'm currently covered in hives.

    I love the sound of the scent. Definitely going to have to case that one.

  11. I cherish perfect days like you had.
    i keep forgetting to grab some oils, thanks for the reminder!

    1. Do it, you won't regret it. It goes a long way, so worth the money :)

  12. The weather has been absolutely perfect! Wish we lived near the beach to enjoy it to the fullest. =)

    1. I love living close to the coast, it's only a 15 minute drive, if that, to get there.


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