
Monday, October 19, 2015

One last hurrah from a dead camera

These photos are from the end of September. They've been sitting in my dead computer, which karked it soon after importing. Thankfully it's fixed now, and I can share them. Can anyone say "back up".

Funnily enough they are they last photos that I took with my old camera, which also decided it was time to go to techno heaven (probably listening to some phat beats, laid back with a cool drink I can imagine), a few days after the computer. It was a trying time.

Wonderful husband (on this occasion) surprised me with a new Canon he'd had on layby for Christmas. I cried a little bit. I can't help but think all those years with a $150 digital camera from Target was like an apprenticeship of sorts in photo taking, and now I am gunning with the big boys (as soon a I work out how to use it).  I've been coveting this camera for a long time, thinking it was a little out of reach of our budget. I am a lucky girl.

We'd gone down to the holiday house for the day. These are all taken around Carpenter Rocks, a small fishing village a couple of kays from Pelican Point. More importantly, there's a pub, and a shop to buy ice cream and hot chips.

Do not even ask me what this is. It was the size of my fingernail and unfurled a bit like a prawn. When it did I was creeped out. It seemed almost alien!


Cape Banks lighthouse


  1. My camera died on the weekend (surf ate it) but I'm hoping the chip survived...just about to check...what lovely photos you took....

    1. The same thing happened to my niece over the weekend. Her phone ended up in the sea, never to be seen again. I hope the SD card is ok x

  2. Beautiful images Alicia. I wish I lived near a beach.

  3. These are stunning - aren't you a great photographer! Even more reason that Santa should be brining you a new camera early this year methinks!

  4. How cool does the dead boat look in the water.. love it. What a good boy your hubby is..

    1. I was a little excited to see it was exposed on the beach. It's usually underneath the surf. I think hubby was getting a little annoyed because he was ready to go and I was still taking photos. Maybe it's because while exploring it he lost his sunnies down in the hull!

  5. Gosh those are great photos, my kids would LOVE to frolick there. Such a great husbo you have there x

  6. That sucks about your camera, but yay for getting a new one! The last one served you very well and I think this new one will too! If you ever have any questions about operation I am a Canon girl through and through so happy to help!

    1. Thanks Kylie. I am slowly getting the hang of it, but I know who to ask now.

  7. Poor old Freddy's boat, he didn't get far on his adventure.
    Great photos, lucky you getting an early Christmas present

  8. Lovely pics. Canon is my favourite brand of camera. I've been seeing the words backup a lot lately. Time to backup my computer I think!

    Dropping by from the #IMC linkup

    Suzy at Someday Somewhere

  9. Wow! these photos are so amazing, especially the crab ones! I can't begin to imagine how your photos could improve with your new camera!

    My camera dies quite some time ago too! I'm currently using my iPad and phone to take my photos! :(

  10. So glad you got the photos back, they're awesome {especially for a $150 target camera}. I'm still learning to use my real camera too lol.

  11. Gorgeous memories and I'm glad you got them back. I have a few photos sitting on my laptop, which is in for a repair. I can't wait to get it and them back. I love that you got your Christmas present early and that it is such an awesome one. I sometimes drool over the 'big gun equiptment' but it isn't in my budget any time soon. Have fun learning.


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