
Monday, October 26, 2015

Broccoli and stilton soup

You can beat finding absolute bargains at the supermarket. While doing my last big shop, I bought two packets of Stilton cheese. At their usual price they were $10.98 each, I could not leave them there for $1.10 each. They were swiftly put in the freezer upon arriving home.

Being an imperfect housewife, I still had a head of broccoli in the bottom of the fridge that was threatening to turn a lovely shade of yellow. The only thing I could think of to use it all at once, was soup.

The weather goes up and down like a yo-yo here in the south at the moment. This particular day, like today, was around 16 degrees. Yesterday it was 28! So soup is still acceptably on the menu, for me anyway. 

Izzy even had a go at the broccoli soup (without the cheese). Shock of all shocks, she enjoyed it. Win, win.

It wasn't until I was about delve into it's warmth, that I remembered the cheese in the freezer. I chopped a bit off and garnished the soup with it. It was heaven.

Stilton cheese isn't for everyone. It one of the 'blue' cheeses, or stinky cheeses and not loved by all!

I must blog my caramelised onion, stilton and rocket flatbread soon. It is delicious, so will be given a spin in the kitchen again in the near future.

Broccoli soup with Stilton cheese

1 head of broccoli, chopped, stalk and all
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 garlic clove, chopped
half and onion, or a small onion, chopped
2 bacon rashers, chopped
1 large, or two medium potatoes, chopped
about 5 cups of water

Gently fry onion, garlic and bacon in olive oil, until onion is soft.

Add broccoli and potato, then add water to just barely cover the veggies. You may not need all five cups of water. It is better to add too little, than too much, as you might end up with a watery soup. I like my soup thick. If it is too thick for your liking, you can always add a bit more water or even milk to make it a bit more creamier. The potatoes however give it a creaminess.

Bring to the boil, then simmer with the lid on for about 20 minutes, or until the potatoes are soft.

Blitz with a stick blender, or however you blitz your soup.

Serve in a bowl with a tablespoon of crumbled Stilton cheese scattered on top.

Yummo. I love the way the cheese melts through the hot soup :)


  1. Not a fan of Stilton...except Geronimo Stilton ;)

  2. Great way to use up that last bit of broccoli! I'd need to pitch this as Super Hero soup or something to get my kids to try it but it sounds yum. Not a Stilton fan here though!

    1. I was surprised Izzy had a go at it, and liked it.

  3. Mmm, sounds like a good way to consume stinky cheese!

  4. Oh yum - I'm on a "eating very little food" day so every recipe I read looks divine .. argh

  5. I'm looking forward to reading you caramelised onion, Stilton and rocket flatbread recipe. That combination sounds delicious!

  6. I love stilton and broccoli, two of my favourite foods. Yum. Sorry haven't been here for the link up for a while been flat out. Hope to be more regular again. Thanks for hosting.

  7. I'm wondering if I made this and didn't mention brocolli if bub and T would eat it... both aren't big fans of brocolli at the moment, but I need to find a way to get more veggies into them. Sounds yum.

  8. I must admit, stinky cheeses are not my thing. It is a bit weird that it's still soup weather some days then hot again the next!

  9. Get out of town Stilton for $1 you are lucky - gosh I adore that so much. Great recipe and one day when I stumble across it cheap I will make this recipe. I hope you're well lovely xx

    1. You could use any blue cheese, or not. I remember my Grandad used to put cubes of cheese in the tomato soup, we loved it. I am always trawling the specials bit at the supermarket, especially the cheese!

  10. The weather is nuts here too!! Stinking hot today with a thunderstorm about to hit, freezing last week and supposedly the same this week again too!!
    I don't eat stinky cheese however I probably could cooked in a soup!! Looks delish!!

  11. It's cold wet and windy here - the perfect day for a hot bowl of soup. Your soup looks yum.


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