
Monday, October 12, 2015

A much needed day, on Rivoli Bay

This post represents my life right now. There's walls I need to get around, there's ups and downs. I am a hell of a lot better in getting over them, than a year ago.

While being an obstacle we could do without, walls force us to problem solve. They make us stronger, more resilient. If not for those walls that sometimes get in the way, we can't learn or grow. Mostly they send us bat shit crazy.

My place in time #100 - any time of the day that describes how you feel with life

Life is also ebbs and tides. Some days we are up, and the next may be not so good. Whether your up or down, surfing the waves means you are living. Sometimes it's a struggle to stay on the surf board, and that's OK.

It doesn't hurt to admit you're having trouble, or ask for help. It just means you're human. Most of the people around you are in the same boat, some are better at making sure friends and family know. Be one of those people. I am not very good at it.

This day was a good one. The sunshine was warming. I was alone with my thoughts, no distractions.

It was the first week of the holidays. Mum had taken the girls for a drive, so I jumped in the car and drove in the opposite direction. I had found some old CDs the day before and belted them out on the way. So good for self morale, even if I had forgotten most of the words.

There were sounds of seagulls, vacationing families and a gentle breeze.

I strolled about camera in hand. I bought second hand books and homegrown lemons. I ate kiwi fruit and apples and tasted the fresh sea air. It was the kind of day I needed to get back to myself.

Today it's back to school for Izzy and who could believe Summer starts pre-entry kindy for half a day a week today too. I am a little too excited to be going grocery shopping on my own from now on, the first time in almost six years.

A memorial for W.L.E. Danswan and T.W. Todd, who lost their lives destroying a German mine in 1941. It exploded and made them the first casualties on Australian soil, due to enemy action, in WW2. In little old Beachport, who would have thunk it.

Looking from the surf beach to the township

The town centre's roundabout. I love it. I have photographed this cyclist sculpture before. It's had a revamp.

If this isn't called Turtle Rock, it should be!

My place in time #6 - construction
This is a common sight in Beachport at the moment. Old houses knocked down to make way for the new. With a view like the photo below, who could blame them!


  1. I love this post - I need to focus on the ebb & flow because I'm having a lot of that at the moment. I did not know Germans planted landmines on Australian soil? Is that the story?? Will have to google.

    1. They were sea mines that washed up Lydia. The Germans dropped them from a ship along the coast. You can read a bit about it here

  2. Great shots Alicia. You've really got to grab all the me time you can. Enjoy your camera. X

    1. Absolutely. I am finding I am getting a bit more lately, which I am not complaining about. This is with my old camera. I haven't taken mine for a test drive yet, can't wait.

  3. Thank you for posting such lovely seaside photos. Just looking at them has relaxed me this Monday morning!

    1. It was such a relaxing laid back day, and a wonderful spot to do it in. Even with the extra holiday makers about.

  4. Once again you always beautiful pictures of where you are. I loved your first line about being better at getting over obstacles in life. That is me.. I am heaps better and growing stronger every day.

    1. I can notice the difference in myself than this time last year. Much more better at riding the waves. You keep growing stronger love x
      I love sharing where I live! Call it a passion x

  5. Lovely analogies Alicia and lovely photos too. What I wouldn't give to have a day by myself at the beach with my camera. P.s I keep reading the title as ravioli bay {must be hungry}.

  6. I am so bad at asking for help, it's something I really need to work on. These are gorgeous pictures, I wish I lived close to the beach.

    1. I don't think I could live away from the beach. It's such a peaceful, healing place for me. I need to work on my communication when I am struggling and need help. I suck at it.

  7. Love the pictures especially the memorial. I think that a lot of people struggle to ask for help.

    Suzy at Someday Somewhere

    1. I really enjoyed walking around and taking a closer look at the memorial. It's funny how interesting the things we drive past all the time are.

  8. How beautiful is this spring weather? Love the photos! :) And like Toni, I read it as Ravioli bay too :P

    1. I was so ready for some warm weather. It was extra cold this winter. lovely to be outside again enjoying the sun.


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