
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Lake McIntyre in August

I love walks around the lake. The girls like exploring too.

A couple of weeks ago, I got down there on my own and was shocked when I realised I had taken over 200 photos. It's no wonder the batteries went flat down the beach. Not hard to do with so much to look at and admire. Here's some that turned out ok. Well lots actually, sorry :)

This reminds me of soldiers all standing in a row

Easy to see why grevilleas are sometimes called spider flowers!


  1. How lovely. What a great place to wander. I love the Geraldton Wax flowers the best. Just beautiful. You have inspired me to get snapping away for flowers in my garden now. x

  2. Stunning photos #9 and #20 are my favourites. Such unusual flowers.

  3. I can see why you love heading there. I love grevilleas, along with other natives, and that one that you commented on about spider flowers certainly looks like hairy huntsman legs. Beautiful, flowery pictures.

    1. The grevilleas are at their best right now. I love Lake Mac in Spring.

  4. Gorgeous photos Alicia. So lovely to have time to wander and just take pictures.

  5. These are GLORIOUS and show me why nature is at its BEST in Spring. I too go for walks and take far too many pics (LOL) so sometimes I make myself be camera-free to leave them as memories in the mind. It doesn't happen often...I like taking pics too much! D x

  6. These are beautiful photos.
    I hope you'll come link up at

  7. It looks beautiful there I am not surprised you got carried away taking photos :-)

  8. I can see how you could take so many photos - it looks absolutely gorgeous there! =)

  9. Great shots! What a lovely place!

  10. Talk about capturing the beauty...fantastic pics. I really must get out there and have a wander.

  11. Have you and your girls had a wander through the park opposite the pony club, its quite nice too.


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