
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Holiday housing

We spent the day and night at Pelican Point this past weekend. The weather was amazing. Temperatures above 25 was a sort of heatwave for us, after weeks and weeks of lows of 10-15 degrees! The kids had a ball down the beach, and I got to play with my camera.

We also went out for dinner at the local, Rocks Tavern. It was a last minute get together with family for my birthday(which was yesterday). The meals were more than awesome and the atmosphere so laid back. I would absolutely recommend it to anyone in the neighbourhood.


  1. Lovely! It sounds like a refreshing time. 10 - 15 degrees! I wish, come to think of it 25 would be nice. I think the lowest max temp here recently was 28, while it was raining. Mind you in saying that it is quite nice weather. It looks like the girls had fun on the beach and that you a ball capturing it all.
    Happy Birthday! I think you spent it the best way ever, relaxing with family.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes Anne.
      haha, winter is cruel to us down south!

  2. The beach looks great but I can just imagine how cold the ocean was! Too cold for this old duck! :)

    1. I swear they do not feel the cold! They had a great time. It was SO good to feel the warmth of the sun after all our cold weather.

  3. Love me a night away from my 4 walls, thankfully we have one this weekend- a nice farm stay! xx

  4. Beautiful pics and a Happy Bday to you!! Mine was the 13th... I am loving this Spring weather and the change in the warmth of the sunshine.

    1. A belated birthday wish to you! I hope it was a good one x

  5. These are such joyful photos..Glad you got some time away fro the 'ordinary' to here. Happy Birthday! Denyse

  6. Love the pics from your little home away from home!!
    Wish it was 25 degrees here but it seems Spring has forgotten to Sprung at moment!! Didn't even crack 20 degrees today and my US summer tan is fading quickly! :(


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